A lazy command line tool for building solutions.
It will look for solution files (.sln) recursively and compile them. If multiple .slns are found, you are prompted to pick one.
Currently only works with 2017 build tools (v15.0 of MSBuild) on Windows.
npm install sln-builder -g
In a directory that has some .sln files - doesn't have to be top level:
build --configuration Release --all
build -c Release -a
build --all
build -a
-V, --version output the version number
-c, --configuration <configurationProfile> configuration. Defaults to 'Debug'
-cl, --clean cleans solution before building
-a, --all flag to indicate that all solutions found should be compiled
-h, --help output usage information
Custom sources
If you specify an environment variable of NUGET_SOURCES
listing your package sources - separated by ;
, then they will be included as package sources alongside nuget.orgs package feed. See this StackOverflow answer on setting up environment variables.