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Simple flexgrid

A simple, yet customizable flexbox-based grid written in SCSS


Using Node Package Manager

npm install --save simple-flexgrid

Alternatively using as a CDN


1. The efficient way

This generates just the CSS you use. No more, no less.

// in SCSS
import 'path/to/simple-flexgrid.scss';

.some-container {
    @include row();

.some-content {
    @include col(4, 12, 8px);

    @include mq('max-width: 800px') {
        @include col(6, 12, 8px);

    @include mq('max-width: 450px') {
        @include col(12, 12, 8px);
Rows (row)

This mixin creates the grid parent.

Columns (col)

This mixin creates a column that spans the x/y-ths of the parent row, where x is the first parameter and mandatory, while y is the second parameter (and optional). The third parameter sets the size of the columns gutter (also optional).

Media queries (mq)

Media queries are an essential part of any grid system, and they get tedious to write. Simple-flexgrid contains a short mixin to solve that.

2. The lazy way

This way generates a huge overhead of CSS classes, but hey it's easy.

// In SCSS file
import 'path/to/simple-flexgrid.scss';

@include simpleFlexgrid('my-prefix', 10, 0px, (350px, 500px, 750px, 1100px));

The following code generated a 10-based grid with 0px gutters, the names of the clasess have the prefix 'my-prefix', as well as custom brakepoints.

All parameters are optional and default settings will be used if left out.

<!-- in HTML -->
<div class='row'>
    <div class="my-prefix-xl-6-12 my-prefix-md-12-12">Some content</div>
    <div class="my-prefix-xl-6-12 my-prefix-md-12-12">Some other content</div>

3. The old school way

Using Simple Flexgrid as an external stylesheet.

The precompiled CSS version of Simple Flexgrid is using the default settings.

<!-- In HTML -->
   <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/simple-flexgrid.css">

   <div class='row'>
       <div class="xl-6-12 md-12-12">Some content</div>
       <div class="xl-6-12 md-12-12">Some other content</div>


Simple-flexgrid has a few helper classes

Pusher classes

The example below will push the element 2/12th of the containing row. All parameters are optional, and default settings will be used if left out.

// In SCSS
.my-class {
    @include push(2, 12, 8px);


<!-- in HTML -->
<div class='xl-push-2-12'></div>
Spacer classes

The example below will push the next element 2/12th of the containing row. All parameters are optional, and default settings will be used if left out.

// In SCSS
.my-class {
    @include space(2, 12, 8px);


<!-- in HTML -->
<div class='xl-space-2-12'></div>

Default settings

Simple-flexgrid is by default set to be a 12-based grid with 8px gutters. The default breakpoints are sm: 450px, md: 650px, lg: 800px, xl: 1200px.

All of these settings can be changed by editing the config file: simple-flexgrid/dist/_config.SCSS



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npm i simple-flexgrid

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  • rognstadragnar