This library was generated with Angular CLI version 7.2.0.
Note: This library is currently a work in progress and is therefore subject to frequent changes. Use with care.
Run npm install --save simclimat-lib
to install the library.
The library contains several objects.
Three objects need to be instanciated in order to generate climate datas.
CModel class contain all scientific calulation methods helpers and a public method called modeExecute()
This method do climate calculations and returned the CSimulationValues object passed in parameters fullfilled with climates values in the six datas arrays.
// Objects and vars déclaration
let years: numbers = 10000;
let sv: CSimulationValues = new CSimulationValues();
let ev: CExperienceValues = new CExperienceValues( years );
let m : CModel = new CModel();
// Here you should call either create_actual_state() or create_1750_state() of CSimulationValues object to init properties and datas arrays.
// Here you can change CSimulationValues properties before calling modelExecute
sv.fixed_albedo = true;
sv.albedo_value = 33;
// Call modelExecute method to calculate climates datas
sv = calculSimulation.modelExecute( sv, ev );
// Inspect returned values in console sv );