Shipmentmentor platform provides REST API for companies to have industrial level shipment number generation and status update service with ability to provide instant notification about shipment status and location via email, SMS or web hook.
node.js SDK for ShipmentMentor API
npm install shipmentmentor --save
All ShipmentMentor API calls require API key for authorization. To get API key please signup on You can get API key from your account settings.
- InfoReceived - 'Information Received'
- InTransit - 'In Transit'
- Exception - 'Exception'
- OutForDelivery -'Out For Delivery'
- Delivered - 'Delivered'
- Expired - 'Expired'
Every response is JSON Envelope with http header code 200 always.
Response Http Header Code:
- 200 - communication with API was successful, additional internal status information available in JSON Envelope code parameter
- 400,500,etc - communication with API failed
Response JSON Envelope:
- {code} = 200, 201 in case of success or 400,401, etc in case of fail
- {status} = success or fail
- {message} = reason of success or fail
- {payload} = array of payload data
Example of Success Response:
"code": 201,
"status": "success",
"message": "operation was successful",
"payload": []
Example of Fail Response:
"code": 400,
"status": "fail",
"message": "Email already in system",
"payload": []
Function: addTracking
- {tid} = the package UPS, USPS or FedEx tracking number
- {title} = package title or null
- {courier} = "ups","usps","fedex" or null for auto detecting
- {orderId} = order id or null
- {customer} = customer name or null
- {note} = custom note or null
- {notify} - customer notification options
- {email} = customer email or null
- {phone} = customer phone or null
"tid":"the package UPS, USPS or FedEx tracking number",
"title":"Your product name",
"courier": null,
"customer":"FirstName LastName",
"note": null
Response Success:
- {code} = status code of API logic
- {status} = status of API logic ("success","fail")
- {message} = message from API
- {payload} = data payload from API
var shipmentmentor = require( 'shipmentmentor' );
var shm = new shipmentmentor(process.env.SHIPMENTMENTOR_API_TOKEN,"sandbox"); // "production"
var payload = {
"tid":"Your UPS USPS OR FedEx tracking NUmber",
"title":"Your product name",
"courier": null,
"customer":"FirstName LastName",
"note": null
shm.addTracking(payload).then((response)=> {
Function: sendShipment
var shipmentmentor = require( 'shipmentmentor' );
var shm = new shipmentmentor(process.env.SHIPMENTMENTOR_API_TOKEN,"sandbox"); // "production"
var parsels=[];
var origin = {
"name": "sender name",
"company": "sender Company",
"address1": "sender address",
"city": "sender city",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "90403",
"country": "US",
"phone": "+18188081111",
"email": ""
var destination = {
"name": "receiver name",
"company": null,
"address1": "receiver address",
"city": "receiver city",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "90401",
"country": "US",
"phone": "+18188082222",
"email": ""
var parsel1 = {
"id": "SKU45896",
"name": "custom package name",
"length": 12,
"width": 8,
"height": 3,
"distanceUnit": "in",
"weight": 1.5,
"weightUnit": "lb",
var payload = {
"origin": origin,
"destination": destination,
"parcels": parsels,
"expected": "2019-02-15T14:12:16Z",
"message": "Left in front of door",
"orderId": "0113191348",
"status": "InfoReceived",
"courier":"courier person or company name",
"courierEmail": "",
shm.sendShipment(payload).then((response)=> {
Function: updateShipment
var shipmentmentor = require( 'shipmentmentor' );
var shm = new shipmentmentor(process.env.SHIPMENTMENTOR_API_TOKEN,"sandbox"); // "production"
var payload = {
"location": "2025 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90403",
shm.updateShipment(payload).then((response)=> {