
0.0.2 • Public • Published


A command line interface for developing Meteor apps using Mantra.

A more opinionated version of the official Mantra CLI.


npm install -g shingon

Meteor version 1.3 or higher needs to be present in your machine to create and run apps with shingon.


The available commands are:

Currently, shingon expects you to be in the app root directory.

shingon create [path]

alias: c

Create a Meteor application using Mantra spec under path.

It performs the following tasks:

  • Create a Meteor app
  • Prepare a skeleton structure for Mantra and add .eslintrc and .gitignore
  • Add Meteor and NPM dependencies
  • Install NPM dependencies


  • --verbose, -v

Log the output of the scripts in the console, rather than silencing them.

shingon generate [type] [name]

alias: g

Generate a file of type and name specified name.


Possible values are:

  • action
  • component

By default, a stateless component is generated. By using --use-class option (alias -c), you can generate a ES2015 class extending React.Component.

shingon g component core:user_list -c

shingon adds JSS and React JSS to allow styling in the component. [Not in Mantra-CLI]

shingon also generates a storybook-file for each component. It's curently not possible to disable this feature (PR welcome).

  • container

Generates a container and its corresponding component.

  • collection

Use --schema option (alias -s) to specify the schema solution to use for your Mongo collections. Currently, you can specify collection2, and astronomy.

shingon g collection books -s collection2
  • method
  • publication
  • module

For action, component, and container, tests will also be generated.


If the type is one of action, component, or container, the name should follow the format moduleName:entityName. This is because Mantra is modular on the client side, and all files of those types belong to a module.


shingon generate component core:posts
shingon generate publication users
shingon generate method comments

Automatic update to index.js

For action, collection, method, and publication, the command automatically inserts import and export statements to the relevant index.js file.

shingon destroy [type] [name]

alias: d

This command removes files.

Destroys all files that its counterpart mantra generate command would generate. You can provide all types supported by the generate command.

Contributor Guide

  • Clone this repository and run npm install.
  • Write your code under /lib.
  • npm run-script compile compiles your ES2015 code in /lib into /dist.
  • npm test compiles the code and runs the tests.





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  • thancock20