
1.0.0 • Public • Published

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Sheetsee uses this module to handle maps in your projects. This module uses (and includes) Leaflet.js to make maps of your points, polygons, lines or multipolygons (all coordinate based). Details on what that actually looks like here. It uses (and includes) Mustache.js templates for marker popups.

You'll need to include Leaflet's map CSS in your HTML's head:

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

Maps: Polygons and Lines

Sheetsee-maps supports polygons and lines; so long as you have the correct coordinate structure in your cells. More details for coordinates of lines and polygons in geoJSON are here, but briefly:

Must use lowercase spreadsheet column headers: 'lat' and 'long'.

A linestring:

[-122.41722106933594, 37.7663045891584], [-122.40477561950684, 37.77695634643178]

A polygon:

[-122.41790771484375, 37.740381166384914], [-122.41790771484375, 37.74520008134973], [-122.40966796874999, 37.74520008134973],[-122.40966796874999, 37.740381166384914], [-122.41790771484375, 37.740381166384914]

A Multipolygon:

[[-122.431640625, 37.79106586542567], [-122.431640625, 37.797441398913286], [-122.42666244506835, 37.797441398913286],[-122.42666244506835, 37.79106586542567], [-122.431640625, 37.79106586542567]],
[[-122.43352890014648, 37.78197638783258], [-122.43352890014648, 37.789031004883654], [-122.42443084716797, 37.789031004883654], [-122.42443084716797, 37.78197638783258], [-122.43352890014648, 37.78197638783258]]

To Use

This module is used as a part of Sheetsee.js. You can download the full version or build your own with a command line tool.

You'll create a little bit of HTML and then some JavaScript in your HTML to use this. You can customize marker color, popup content and enable/disable clustering in your map.


Here are the functions you can use!

Sheetsee.createGeoJSON(data, optionsJSON)

  • data JSON array of data
  • optionsJSON array of strings, spreadsheet column title

If you'd like to just generate geoJSON from a spreadsheet you can use this method.

This takes in your spreadsheet data in JSON format (which you can get with Tabletop.js)and the parts of your data, optionsJSON, that you plan on including in your map's popups. These will be column headers in your spreadsheet in an array of strings.

If you're not going to have popups on your markers, don't worry about it then and just pass in your data (by default it will use all the row's information).

var optionsJSON = ['name', 'breed', 'cuddlability']
var geoJSON = Sheetsee.createGeoJSON(data, optionsJSON)

It will return an array in the special geoJSON format that map making things love.


This method will generate a map for you on the page (it also generates the geoJSON for the map).

  • options object required
    • data your spreadsheet data array required
    • mapDiv the id of the div in your HTML to contain the map required
    • geoJSONincludes array of strings of column headers to include in popups
    • template HTML/Mustache template for popups
    • cluster a true/false boolean, do you want your markers clustered
    • hexcolor pick one color for your markers
var mapOptions = {
  data: data, // required
  mapDiv: 'map', //required
  geoJSONincludes: ['Name', 'Animal', 'Rating'], // optional
  template: '<p>{{Name}}—{{Animal}}—{{Rating}}</p>', // optional
  cluster: true, // optional
  hexcolor: '#e91e63' // optional

Breaking Changes The latest version of Sheetsee replaces three methods ('loadMap', 'addTileLayer', 'addMarkerLayer') with one loadMap which takes in an object of map options.

Marker colors

If you create a column title hexcolor in your spreadsheet and fill each cell with hex color codes, those will be used to color your markers. If you define a color for hexcolor in the options you pass to your map it will override colors in the spreadsheet data.

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  • jlord