Sheets API v4
Allows you to start working with the Google Sheets API v4 right away.
A Google Sheets API v4 implementation that abstracts the authorization portion of each request away from the user a bit. Simply call authorize to get a promise that resolves the OAuth2 client which can be used to make requests. Provides generic 'collection' methods that assist with calling methods associated with those collections i.e. 'values' maps to spreadsheets.values. Really just a wrapper around googleapis.
Here's how to use it:
Visit Node quickstart and complete Step 1 to get your client_secret.json.
npm i sheets-api --save
// sheets-client.jsconst SheetsAPI = ;const sheets = ;const SPREADSHEET_ID = "19uTpwB-PM9TtUGUCRMdgWdkH0pqEHVv3J6sjzCNoMRM"; // ValueRange( payload = spreadsheetId: SPREADSHEET_ID range: "Orders!A1:D1" valueInputOption: 'USER_ENTERED' resource : majorDimension: "ROWS" values: "Door" "$15" "2" "3/15/2017" "Engine" "$100" "1" "3/20/2016" sheets // Get me an authorized OAuth2 client thats ready to make requests. // // Using the spreadsheets.values collection, use the 'append' method to // append data (payload) to a spreadsheet. // 'response' is an object that contains the response from the request to the // API (append) and the OAuth2 client to be chained further. It looks like this: // {auth:auth, response:response} // The results of the request to spreadsheets.values.get collection. // Derp
Change Log
1.0.5 - Jan 8, 2017
Fixing typo where response was undefined.
1.0.4 - Jan 8, 2017
Publishing to NPM.
1.0.3 - Jan 8, 2017
Fixed fn#collections not correctly resolving the response from sheets api. Promise.resolve takes a single object. You can't simply pass n arguments to it. It has single arity.
1.0.2 - Jan 5, 2017
Fixed not returning promises from collection methods.
1.0.1 - Jan 5, 2017
Added other collection helper methods (spreadsheets.sheets, spreadsheets).
1.0.0 - Jan 4, 2017
Initial publish.