Pure JavaScript implem for SHE commands args deciphering of MAC key provisionning CAN/Ethernet frames. This implementation relies on the MiyaguchiPreneel compression function implemented in the (also pure) JavaScript implementation of the miyaguchipreneel npm module.
npm install she_decrypt
SHE_decrypt exposes an API using node:Buffer. It allows really straigth forward CAN/Eth frame manipulation.
const she = require('she_decrypt');
var frameBuf = Buffer.from(<get your can frames, a way or another>, 'hex');
var frameKey = Buffer.from(<get your key the same way or another>, 'hex);
var she_decrypt = new she();
var decM2 = she_decrypt.decrypt_M2(frameBuf, frameKey);
var cid = she_decrypt.getCID(decM2);
var fid = she_decrypt.getFID(decM2);
var key = she_decrypt.getKEY(decM2);