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AWS Simple Email Service (SES) Template Mailer

Send HTML or plain text templates through Amazon Web Services Simple Email Service (SES) using Handlebars, Pug, EJS or Underscore. This is essentially a wrapper for ses.sendEmail.


npm install --save ses-template-mailer


Email = require('ses-template-mailer')
email = new Email(options, credentials);
email.send(function(error, result){});


Name Type Description
options Object or [Object] Options are the same as AWS SES sendMail with the following additions. You may also pass an array of multiple email options. Multiple emails will be sent at 90 emails per second.
options.Message.TemplateData Object The data to parse the template with. This can also be set with email.templateData before calling send.
options.Message.TemplateType String The template engine to use. Must be one of the following: "handlebars", "pug", "ejs", "underscore". Handlebars is the default. This can also be set with email.templateType before calling send.
options.Message.Body.Html String The text email template. Should either be an html template string or a valid url eg: Using an extension name like "handlebars", "pug", "ejs" or "underscore" will overwrite TemplateType.
options.Message.Body.Text String The text email template. Should either be a text template string or a valid url eg: Using an extension name like "handlebars", "pug", "ejs" or "underscore" will overwrite TemplateType. If Message.Body.Text is null then a plain text email will be generated from the HTML. Note: Since Pug cannot parse plain text emails text is automatically parsed from html, be sure and nullify text property (Message.Body.Text=null) if you're using Pug.
credentials Object Config options are the the same as AWS Config. If you've already set up your conf globally you can leave this null


template (String)

The text email template. Should either be an html template string or a valid url eg: Using an extension name like "handlebars", "pug", "ejs" or "underscore" will overwrite TemplateType.

templateData (Object)

The data to parse the template with. Refer to your desired templating engine for more details.

templateType (String)

The template engine to use. Must be one of the following: "handlebars", "pug", "ejs", "underscore". Handlebars is the default.

rateLimit (Number=90)

If sending multiple emails with with send delivery will be throttled ensure your don't go over your rate limit. Default: 90.

send (Function)

Dispatch emails


Name Type Description
callback Function A callback function. If no callback is given events are emitted.
callback.errors [Error] A collection of errors or null if there were no errors
callback.results [Object] The result of each send
callback.results.MessageId String The message id retuned from SES
callback.results.ResponseMetadata Object The response meta data retuned from SES
callback.results.ResponseMetadata.RequestId String The request id retuned from SES



Event triggered when all emails have been processed and sent.


Name Type Description
errors [Error] A collection of errors or null if there were no errors
results [Object] The result of each send
results.MessageId String The message id retuned from SES
results.ResponseMetadata Object The response meta data retuned from SES
results.ResponseMetadata.RequestId String The request id retuned from SES


Event trigged each time an email is sent.

Name Type Description
result Object The result of each send
result.MessageId String The message id retuned from SES
result.ResponseMetadata Object The response meta data retuned from SES
result.ResponseMetadata.RequestId String The request id retuned from SES


Event trigger when an email failed to send.

Name Type Description
error Error The send error


Sending One Email (with callbacks)

Email = require('../lib/email')
email = new Email(
		Destination: {
			BccAddresses: ['Jack Sprat <>'],
			CcAddresses: ['Humpty Dumpty <>'],
			ToAddresses: ['Peter Pumpkineater <>']
		Message: {
			Subject: {
				Data: 'Pumpkin Eater'
			Body: {
					Html: {
						Data: '<div>{{peter}}, {{peter}} pumpkin eater, Had a wife but couldn't keep her; <a href="{{more}}">more</a></div>'
					Text: {
						Data: '{{peter}}, {{peter}} pumpkin eater, Had a wife but couldn't keep her;'
			TemplateData: {name:'Peter', more: ''},
			TemplateType: 'handlebars'
		Source: '',
		ReplyToAddresses: [ 'Nobody <>'],
		ReturnPath: ''
	}, {
		accessKeyId: 'my_aws_access_key',
		secretAccessKey: 'my_aws_secret_key',
		region: 'us-west-2'


// Optional setup:
// email.template = '<div>{{peter}}, {{peter}} pumpkin eater, Had a wife but couldn't keep her; <a href="{{more}}">more</a></div>'
// email.templateData = {name:'Peter', more: ''}
// email.templateType = 'handlebars'

email.send(function(err, data) {
	if (err)
		console.log(err, err.stack); // error
		console.log(data); // success

Sending Multiple Emails (with events)

Email = require('../lib/email')
email = new Email([recipient1, recipient2, recipient3,]);
email.rateLimit = 200
email.on(Email.COMPLETE_EVENT, function(errors, results, data){
	console.log(results.length+" of "+data.length+" emails have been sent.")
email.on(Email.SEND_EVENT, function(result){
	console.log('email sent')
email.on(Email.ERROR_EVENT, function(error){


Make a copy of the test/ and update if necessary.

cp test/ test/ // update
mocha test/

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npm i ses-template-mailer

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  • jwerre