Connect Session Store using Sequelize
connect-session-sequelize is a SQL session store using Sequelize.js.
Please note that the most recent version requires express 4. If you use express 3 you should install version 0.0.5 and follow the instructions in the previous README.
$ npm install connect-session-sequelize
a successfully connected Sequelize instancetable
(optional) a table/model which has already been imported to your Sequelize instance, this can be used if you want to use a specific table in your db
With connect
var connect = // for express, just call it with 'require('express-session').Store' SequelizeStore = connectsessionStore; ;
With express 4:
// load dependenciesvar express = var Sequelize = var cookieParser = var session = ; // initalize sequelize with session storevar SequelizeStore = sessionStore; // create database, ensure 'sqlite3' in your package.jsonvar sequelize = "database""username""password" "dialect": "sqlite" "storage": "./session.sqlite"; // configure expressvar app = appapp// continue as normal
- will run a sequelize sync()
operation on the model for an initialized SequelizeStore object. Use this if you would like the the db table to be created for you.
Session expiry
Session records are automatically expired and removed from the database on an interval. The cookie.expires
property is used to set session expiry time. If that property doesn't exist, a default expiry of 24 hours is used. Expired session are removed from the database every 15 minutes by default. That interval as well as the default expiry time can be set as store options:
new SequelizeStore({
checkExpirationInterval: 15 * 60 * 1000, // The interval at which to cleanup expired sessions in milliseconds.
expiration: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // The maximum age (in milliseconds) of a valid session.