The base class for all sequencer instruments.
It’s not usually used directly - it just generates silent buffers.
Built by Rich Plastow and Monty Anderson for Loop.Coop.
- Homepage:
- GitHub: loopdotcoop/seqin
- NPM: seqin-si
- Twitter: @loopdotcoop
- Location: Brighton, UK
- Last update: 2017/07/19
- Version: 0.0.13
- Android 7.1 (Pixel): Chrome 58+, Firefox 51+
- iOS 10.3 (iPad Pro): Safari 10+
- Windows 10: Edge 14+
- Windows XP: Firefox 45+, Chrome 45+, Opera 32+
- OS X El Sierra: Safari 10.1+
- 0.0.1 Initial commit on master branch; isomorphic mocha/chai working
- 0.0.2 Fix incorrect "main" value in package.json
- 0.0.3 Part way through getBuffers()
- 0.0.4 getBuffers() complete
- 0.0.5 Stricter config validation; tests are ‘common’ or ‘specific’
- 0.0.6 Correct hash-test in support/test-specific-browser.js
- 0.0.7 Move to
- 0.0.8 ‘ready’ property and getBuffers() return Promises
- 0.0.9 Rename getBuffers() to perform()
- 0.0.10 perform() defers validation to private methods
- 0.0.11 Move Mocha and Chai from local node_modules to global
- 0.0.12 ‘down’ and ‘gain’ events expect a number between 0 and 9
- 0.0.13 Better use of Promises