TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.31.0 • Public • Published


WIP: intented collection of similar components used across out applications


npm install senderrand-shared-components

UI Components

Rigid Chat & Functionalities

Header Component Usage

import { Header } from 'senderrand-shared-components';
import { Entypo } from '@expo/vector-icons';

const family = {
  light: 'Light',
  regular: 'Regular',
  medium: 'Medium',
  bold: 'Bold',
  italic: 'RegularItalic',

const Example = () => (
   options={['History', 'Locations', 'Profile', 'FAQs']}


  • Styled Header with logo, title, detail & options


The Header component uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

  • styled-components - For styling.
  • expo-constant - To get status bar height


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the header component

Property Type Required Description
containerStyle Style false The style passed to the header container
image string false The image url passed to the header logo, defaults to senderrand logo
title string false The text string to be displayed in the title
titleStyle Style false The style passed to the header title
detail string false The text string to be displayed in the detail below the title
detailStyle Style false The style passed to the header detail
options array false An string array of options passed to the header menu options
entypo @expo/vector-icons true It takes in Entypo component to represent the menu icon
optionTxtStyle Style false The style passed to the option text component
onPressOption Function false This function call when each menu option is tapped. It returns the index of the tapped option as parameter
family object true An object that contains the font family used for the text elements in the header component. An example is shown above.
lang string false The language that should be used for the default text in the component. Defaults to en.

Header2 Component Usage

import { Header2 } from 'senderrand-shared-components';
import { Entypo, MaterialIcons } from '@expo/vector-icons';

const family = {
  light: 'Light',
  regular: 'Regular',
  medium: 'Medium',
  bold: 'Bold',
  italic: 'RegularItalic',

const Example = () => (
    back={() => props.navigation.goBack()}
    options={['One', 'Two']}


  • Styled Header with title, detail & options


The Header2 component uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

  • styled-components - For styling.
  • expo-constant - To get status bar height


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the header2 component

Property Type Required Description
containerStyle Style false The style passed to the header container
title string false The text string to be displayed in the title
left React.Component false A component displayed on the left part of the header.
right React.Component false A component displayed on the right part of the header.
back function false A function called when back button is pressed. When passed the back button displays.
options array false An string array of options passed to the header menu options
entypo @expo/vector-icons true It takes in Entypo component to represent the menu icon
optionTxtStyle Style false The style passed to the option text component
onPressOption Function false This function call when each menu option is tapped. It returns the index of the tapped option as parameter
family object true An object that contains the font family used for the text elements in the header component. An example is shown above.
lang string false The language that should be used for the default text in the component. Defaults to en.
inputRef function false Takes the ref of the footer input as parameter.
keyboardType string false Takes the keyboard type of the footer input.

Footer Component Usage

import { Footer } from 'senderrand-shared-components';

let fontFamily = {
  light: 'Light',
  regular: 'Regular',
  medium: 'Medium',
  bold: 'Bold',
  italic: 'RegularItalic',

const Example = () => (
   onSelectOption={(index: number) => console.log(index)}
   footerOnPressLaunchIcon={() => {}}
   onError={(message: string) => Alert.alert('Failed', message)}


  • Camera.
  • Image Picker.
  • Audio Recorder.
  • Text Input


The Footer component uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

  • expo-av - For Audio Recording.
  • expo-image-picker - To take picture from camera or select from library.
  • react-native-actionsheet - To display Footer options.
  • expo-file-system - To get the URI of the recorded audio.


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the footer component

Property Type Required Description
defaultOptions array false This array is passed to the footer options to display. Defaults to ['Camera', 'Photo Library']
cancetTxt string false The string to replace the cancel text. Defaults to Cancel
options array false Additional options passed to the footer to display.
reply object false A message object passed to the footer to display when replying a message.
send function false A functions that returns the message object as a parameter.
onError function false A function that returns error message as a parameter.
onSelectOption function false The function returns the index of the selected option as parameter.
footerOnPressLaunchIcon function false When specified, the function is executed when the Plus or Location Icon is pressed instead of showing the Action Sheet.
onSelectDefaultOption function false The function returns the index of the selected option as parameter.
ionicons @expo/vector-icons true It takes in Ionicons component to display icons in the footer component
family object true An object that contains the font family used for the text elements in the footer component. An example is shown above.
multiline boolean false The multiline props for the footer text input.
placeholder string false The placeholder props for the footer text input.
keyboardType string false The keyboardType props for the footer text input.
antDesign @expo/vector-icons true It takes in AntDesign component to display icons in the footer component
loading boolean false To disable all footer functionalities and display the loading component.
materialCommunityIcons @expo/vector-icons true It takes in MaterialCommunityIcons component to display icons in the footer component
sheetOneTitle string false The title of the first action sheet, defaults to Options.
sheetTwoTitle string false The title of the second action sheet, defaults to Options.
onChangeText function false Handles text input change, returns text string as parameter.
lang string false The language that should be used for the default text in the component. Defaults to en.
setTyping function false This function property lets know when user is typing by sending true when typing and false when not.
setRecording function false This function property lets know when user is recording by sending true when recording and false when not.

Success Modal 1

import { SuccessModal } from 'senderrand-shared-components';
import { useState } from 'react';
import { Entypo } from '@expo/vector-icons';

const family = {
  light: 'Light',
  regular: 'Regular',
  medium: 'Medium',
  bold: 'Bold',
  italic: 'RegularItalic',

const Example = () => {
  let [visible, setVisible] = useState(true)

  return (
      close={() => setVisible(false)}
      btnTitle={'Close Modal'}
      content={'We are exited to have you join our team!'}


  • A styled success modal to be displayed after successful action


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the header component

Property Type Required Description
animationType string false Default animationType options for react native modal. Defaults to slide
visible boolean true Set the visibility of the modal to true or false
entypo @expo/vector-icons true It takes in Entypo component to display icons in the component
family object true An object containing the app font family, example above
title string false The text string to be displayed as title ex: 'Congrats'
content string false The details string displayed below the title
close function false A function called after the button is pressed
btnTitle string false The title of the button displayed

Success Modal 2

import { SuccessModal2 } from 'senderrand-shared-components';
import { useState } from 'react';
import { Entypo } from '@expo/vector-icons';

const family = {
  light: 'Light',
  regular: 'Regular',
  medium: 'Medium',
  bold: 'Bold',
  italic: 'RegularItalic',

const Example = () => {
  let [visible, setVisible] = useState(true)

  return (
      text={'Verified Successfully'}
      press={() => setVisible(false)}


  • A styled success modal to be displayed after successful action


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the header component

Property Type Required Description
blue boolean false Pass blue to display the blue version, defaults to green
visible boolean true Set the visibility of the modal to true or false
entypo @expo/vector-icons true It takes in Entypo component to display icons in the component
family object true An object containing the app font family, example above
text string false The text string to be displayed as title ex: 'Verified Successfully'
press function false A function called after the button is pressed
btnTitle string false The title of the button displayed

Custom Modal

import { CustomModal } from 'senderrand-shared-components';
import { useState } from 'react';
import { AntDesign } from '@expo/vector-icons';

const Example = () => {
  let [visible, setVisible] = useState(true)

  return (
      close={() => setVisible(false)}
      <Text>Hello, here is a sample modal content</Text>


  • A styled custom modal, that takes in a JSX Element as children to be displayed in the modal container.


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the custom modal component

Property Type Required Description
visible boolean true Set the visibility of the modal to true or false
antdesign @expo/vector-icons true It takes in AntDesign component to display icons in the component
close function true A function called after the close button is pressed
children JSX.Element true Children element that is displayed in the modal

TextBox Component

import { TextBox } from 'senderrand-shared-components';
import { Ionicons } from '@expo/vector-icons';
import { FlatList } from 'react-native';

const family = {
  light: 'Light',
  regular: 'Regular',
  medium: 'Medium',
  bold: 'Bold',
  italic: 'RegularItalic',

const Example = () => {

  return (
      renderItem={(item: any) => (
          status={item.status} // 0: not sent, 1: sent, 2: received, 3:read
          sender={ === 1}
          toReply={() => scrollToMsg(item.reply)}
          onSelectOption={() => {}}


  • A chat text box component


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the TextBox

Property Type Required Description
options array false Options displayed on long press of the chat text box.
cancetTxt string false The string to replace the cancel text. Defaults to Cancel
ionicons @expo/vector-icons true It takes in ionicons component to display icons in the component
family object true An object containing the app font family, example above
onSelectOption function false The function returns the index of the selected option as parameter.
sender boolean true The boolean that denotes the sender of the message
reply object false A message object passed to display the message replied to
toReply function true The function that calls when the reply component in the chat box in tapped.
text string false The text message displayed in the text box.
date Date false A date object to be displayed in the text box.
status number false The status of the current message 0 = sending(not send), 1 = sent, 2 = received, 3 = read.
optionTitle string false The title of the displayed options, defaults to Options
lang string false The language that should be used for the default text in the component. Defaults to en.

VoiceNote Component

import { VoiceNote } from 'senderrand-shared-components';
import { Ionicons, Entypo } from '@expo/vector-icons';
import { FlatList } from 'react-native';

const family = {
  light: 'Light',
  regular: 'Regular',
  medium: 'Medium',
  bold: 'Bold',
  italic: 'RegularItalic',

const Example = () => {

  return (
      renderItem={(item: any) => (
          audio={item.file && item.file.uri}
          sender={ === 1}
          onSelectOption={() => {}}


  • A chat voice note component


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the VoiceNote

Property Type Required Description
options array false Options displayed on long press of the chat text box.
cancetTxt string false The string to replace the cancel text. Defaults to Cancel
audio string true The audio url.
ionicons @expo/vector-icons true It takes in Ionicons component to display icons in the component
entypo @expo/vector-icons true It takes in Entypo component to display icons in the component
family object true An object containing the app font family, example above
onSelectOption function false The function returns the index of the selected option as parameter.
sender boolean true The boolean that denotes the sender of the message
date Date false A date object to be displayed in the text box.
status number false The status of the current message 0 = sending(not send), 1 = sent, 2 = received, 3 = read.
optionTitle string false The title of the displayed options, defaults to 'Options'
image string false The image of the voice note sender.

ImageBox Component

import { ImageBox } from 'senderrand-shared-components';
import { Ionicons } from '@expo/vector-icons';
import { FlatList } from 'react-native';

const family = {
  light: 'Light',
  regular: 'Regular',
  medium: 'Medium',
  bold: 'Bold',
  italic: 'RegularItalic',

const Example = () => {

  return (
      renderItem={(item: any) => (
          audio={item.file && item.file.uri}
          sender={ === 1}
          onSelectOption={() => {}}


  • A chat image box component


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the ImageBox

Property Type Required Description
image string false The image url to be displayed.
options array false Options displayed on long press of the chat text box.
cancetTxt string false The string to replace the cancel text. Defaults to Cancel
ionicons @expo/vector-icons true It takes in ionicons component to display icons in the component
family object true An object containing the app font family, example above
onSelectOption function false The function returns the index of the selected option as parameter.
sender boolean true The boolean that denotes the sender of the message
date Date false A date object to be displayed in the text box.
status number false The status of the current message 0 = sending(not send), 1 = sent, 2 = received, 3 = read.
optionTitle string false The title of the displayed options, defaults to 'Options'

VideoBox Component

import { ImageBox } from 'senderrand-shared-components';
import { Ionicons } from '@expo/vector-icons';
import { FlatList } from 'react-native';

const family = {
  light: 'Light',
  regular: 'Regular',
  medium: 'Medium',
  bold: 'Bold',
  italic: 'RegularItalic',

const Example = () => {

  return (
      renderItem={(item: any) => (
          video={item.file && item.file.uri}
          sender={ === 1}
          onSelectOption={() => {}}


  • A chat video box component


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the VideoBox

Property Type Required Description
video string false The video url.
ionicons @expo/vector-icons true It takes in ionicons component to display icons in the component
family object true An object containing the app font family, example above
sender boolean true The boolean that denotes the sender of the message
date Date false A date object to be displayed in the text box.
status number false The status of the current message 0 = sending(not send), 1 = sent, 2 = received, 3 = read.

FooterOptions Component

import { FooterOptions } from 'senderrand-shared-components';

const family = {
  light: 'Light',
  regular: 'Regular',
  medium: 'Medium',
  bold: 'Bold',
  italic: 'RegularItalic',

const Example = () => {

  return (
      press={(index: number) => console.log(index)}
      options={['Purchase', 'Pick Up']}


  • A UI component that display an array of buttons


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the FooterOptions

Property Type Required Description
options array true The string array representing each button to be displayed. Each button displays the string passed.
family object true An object containing the app font family, example above
press function true The function called when a button is pressed, with the index of the particular button pressed.

LocationBox Component

import { LocationBox } from 'senderrand-shared-components';
import { Ionicons, Entypo, MaterialIcons } from '@expo/vector-icons';
import { FlatList } from 'react-native';

const family = {
  light: 'Light',
  regular: 'Regular',
  medium: 'Medium',
  bold: 'Bold',
  italic: 'RegularItalic',

const Example = () => {

  return (
      renderItem={(item: any) => (
          status={item.status} // 0: not sent, 1: sent, 2: received, 3:read
          text={ && &&}
          options={['Option 1', 'Option 2']}
          onSelectOption={() => {}}
          location_type={ &&}


  • A component to display selected location in a chat text box


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the LocationBox

Property Type Required Description
options array false Options displayed on long press of the chat text box.
cancetTxt string false The string to replace the cancel text. Defaults to Cancel
ionicons @expo/vector-icons true It takes in ionicons component to display icons in the component
entypo @expo/vector-icons true It takes in entypo component to display icons in the component
materialIcons @expo/vector-icons true It takes in materialIcons component to display icons in the component
family object true An object containing the app font family, example above
onSelectOption function false The function returns the index of the selected option as parameter.
sender boolean true The boolean that denotes the sender of the message
reply object false A message object passed to display the message replied to
toReply function true The function that calls when the reply component in the chat box in tapped.
text string false The text message displayed in the text box.
date Date false A date object to be displayed in the text box.
status number false The status of the current message 0 = sending(not send), 1 = sent, 2 = received, 3 = read.
optionTitle string false The title of the displayed options, defaults to Options
lang string false The language that should be used for the default text in the component. Defaults to en.
location_type string false If it has store as it's value, it uses a store icon, otherwise it uses a location pin icon.

FleetFooter Component

import { FleetFooter } from 'senderrand-shared-components';

const family = {
  light: 'Light',
  regular: 'Regular',
  medium: 'Medium',
  bold: 'Bold',
  italic: 'RegularItalic',

const Example = () => {

  return (
    <FleetFooter select={(index: number) => {}} />


  • A UI component that display the fleet options to selection


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the FleetFooter

Property Type Required Description
select function true The function called when a fleet is selected, returning the index of the selected fleet as parameter.

FleetBox Component

import { FleetBox } from 'senderrand-shared-components';
import { FlatList } from 'react-native';

const family = {
  light: 'Light',
  regular: 'Regular',
  medium: 'Medium',
  bold: 'Bold',
  italic: 'RegularItalic',

const Example = () => {

  return (
      renderItem={(item: any) => (
          options={['Edit', 'Delete']}
          onSelectOption={() => {}}


  • A component to displays the selected fleet


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the FleetBox

Property Type Required Description
index number true The index of the selected fleet.
options array false Options displayed on long press of the chat text box.
cancetTxt string false The string to replace the cancel text. Defaults to Cancel
family object true An object containing the app font family, example above
onSelectOption function false The function returns the index of the selected option as parameter.
sender boolean true The boolean that denotes the sender of the message
date Date false A date object to be displayed in the FleetBox.
status number false The status of the current message 0 = sending(not send), 1 = sent, 2 = received, 3 = read.
optionTitle string false The title of the displayed options, defaults to Options
lang string false The language that should be used for the default text in the component. Defaults to en.

StatusBox Component

import { StatusBox } from 'senderrand-shared-components';
import { FlatList } from 'react-native';

const family = {
  light: 'Light',
  regular: 'Regular',
  medium: 'Medium',
  bold: 'Bold',
  italic: 'RegularItalic',

const Example = () => {

  return (
      renderItem={(item: any) => (
          color={ && &&}


  • A component to displays the errand status within the chat


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the StatusBox

Property Type Required Description
family object true An object containing the app font family, example above
text string false The text to be displayed.
color string false The text color
loading boolean false Displays loading spinner when set to true.

NewRunner Component

import { NewRunner } from 'senderrand-shared-components';
import { AntDesign } from '@expo/vector-icons';
import { FlatList } from 'react-native';

const family = {
  light: 'Light',
  regular: 'Regular',
  medium: 'Medium',
  bold: 'Bold',
  italic: 'RegularItalic',

const Example = () => {

  return (
      renderItem={(item: any) => (
          text={'Runner YINKA joined the chat'}
          name={'Runner Yinka'}
          runs={'90+ Runs'}


  • A component to displays the newly added runner


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the NewRunner

Property Type Required Description
family object true An object containing the app font family, example above
text string false The status text to be displayed.
name string false The name of the runner.
lang string false The language that should be used for the default text in the component. Defaults to en.
runs string false The amount of runs text.
rate number false The runners rating ranges from 0 - 5.
image string false Displays the image url passed as the runners photo.
antDesign @expo/vector-icons true It takes in antDesign component to display icons in the component

InvoiceBox Component

import { InvoiceBox } from 'senderrand-shared-components';
import { FlatList } from 'react-native';

const family = {
  light: 'Light',
  regular: 'Regular',
  medium: 'Medium',
  bold: 'Bold',
  italic: 'RegularItalic',

const Example = () => {

  return (
      renderItem={(item: any) => (
          price={'100 AED'}


  • An invoice UI component


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the InvoiceBox

Property Type Required Description
family object true An object containing the app font family, example above
txt1 string false Defaults to Invoice.
txt2 string false Defaults to Grand Total:.
txt2 string false Defaults to View Invoice.
press function false The function called when the component is pressed.
lang string false The language that should be used for the default text in the component. Defaults to en.
invoiceID string false Displays the invoice ID passed to it.
price string false Displays the string passed as price.
date Date false A date object to be displayed in the InvoiceBox.

TrackBox Component

import { TrackBox } from 'senderrand-shared-components';
import { Feather } from '@expo/vector-icons';
import { FlatList } from 'react-native';

const family = {
  light: 'Light',
  regular: 'Regular',
  medium: 'Medium',
  bold: 'Bold',
  italic: 'RegularItalic',

const Example = () => {

  return (
      renderItem={(item: any) => (
          region={ && &&}
          position={ && &&}


  • An location tracking UI component


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the TrackBox

Property Type Required Description
family object true An object containing the app font family, example above
text string false Defaults to Track Delivery.
press function false The function called when the component is pressed.
lang string false The language that should be used for the default text in the component. Defaults to en.
date Date false A date object to be displayed in the InvoiceBox.
region object true An object containing longitude and latitude.
position object true An object containing longitude and latitude.
Feather @expo/vector-icons true It takes in Feather component to display icons in the component

SwipeUp Component

import { SwipeUp } from 'senderrand-shared-components';

const Example = () => (
    // ... children


  • An component for swiping up and down


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the SwipeUp

Property Type Required Description
containerHeight number false The default height of the swipe box.
close funciton false Set swipe visibility to false when called.
disableSwipe boolean false To disable the swipe up and down if it's not required.
containerStyle style false Style passed to the container.
avoid boolean false Add avoid prop if keyboard is present in the swipe children.


import { LoadingModal } from 'senderrand-shared-components';
import { useState } from 'react';

const family = {
  light: 'Light',
  regular: 'Regular',
  medium: 'Medium',
  bold: 'Bold',
  italic: 'RegularItalic',

const Example = () => {
  let [visible, setVisible] = useState(true)

  return (
      text={'Processing Payment..'}


  • A modal to display loading UI


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the loading component

Property Type Required Description
text string false The value to the text displayed in the loader.
visible boolean true Set the visibility of the modal to true or false
family object true An object containing the app font family, example above
close function false Toggle visibility to close modal when user taps the modal.


import { InvoiceModal } from 'senderrand-shared-components';
import { useState } from 'react';

const family = {
  light: 'Light',
  regular: 'Regular',
  medium: 'Medium',
  bold: 'Bold',
  italic: 'RegularItalic',

const Example = () => {
  let [visible, setVisible] = useState(true)

  let invoice = [
      item: 'Brake pads for Honda accord 2009 Front and Rear',
      quantity: 1,
      price: 200,
      item: 'Brake discs for Honda accord 2009. Front and Rear',
      quantity: 2,
      price: 400,
      item: 'Brake Oil',
      quantity: 2,
      price: 20,
      item: 'Errand cost',
      quantity: 1,
      price: 100,

  let totals = [
    { title: 'SUBTOTAL', value: '720 NGN' },
    { title: 'DISCOUNT', value: '110 NGN', discount: '3%' },
    { title: 'TAX', value: '10 NGN' },

  return (
      grandTotal={'610 NGN'}
      txt2={"Runner's Name: YINKA"}
      close={() => setInvoice(false)}
      press={(index: number) => console.log(index)}


  • A modal to display invoice UI


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the invoice component

Property Type Required Description
lang string false The language that should be used for the default text in the component. Defaults to en.
currency string true The currency to be displayed in the invoice.
visible boolean true Set the visibility of the modal to true or false
family object true An object containing the app font family, example above
close function false Toggle visibility to close modal when user taps the modal.
totalItems array true An array including the subtotal, discount, tax, etc.
titles array false An array of string titles, defaults to ['DESCRIPTION', 'RATE', 'QTY', 'SUBTOTAL'].
txt1 string false Defaults to You’ve received an invoice.
txt2 string false Defaults to Runner.
txt3 string false Invoice ID should be passed here. Empty if nothing is passed.
nameKey string false The key of the item name within the invoice object.
qtyKey string false The key of the quantity name within the invoice object.
rateKey string false The key of the price within the invoice object.
grandTotal string false The invoice total.
grandTotalTxt string false Defaults to GRAND TOTAL.
press function false When the press prop is passed, the accept and decline CTA button displays. It returns the index of the button pressed as parameter 1 for accept, 2 for decline.
acceptTxt string false Defaults to Accept.
declineTxt string false Defaults to Decline.

ReasonSwipe Component

import { ReasonSwipe } from 'senderrand-shared-components';
import { Ionicons } from '@expo/vector-icons';

let reasons = [
  { reason: 'Runner took too long to respond' },
  { reason: 'Wrong pickup location' },
  { reason: 'I don’t need the service anymore' },
  { reason: 'Have to attend to an Emergency' },

const Example = () => (
    onSend={(item) => console.log(item)}
    onSelect={(item) => console.log(item)}


  • A component for displaying the array of reasons


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the ReasonSwipe

Property Type Required Description
lang string false The language that should be used for the default text in the component. Defaults to en.
data array true An array or reasons passed to the component, example above.
onSelect funciton true The function called when a reason is selected returning she selected reason as parameter.
textKey string true The key to the reason string in the object.
othersTxt string false Defaults to Others:.
onSend function true The function returns the custom reason entered in the input field.
family object true An object containing the app font family, example above
ionicons @expo/vector-icons true It takes in Ionicons component to display icons in the component

LocationSwipe Component

import { LocationSwipe } from 'senderrand-shared-components';
import { Ionicons, MaterialIcons } from '@expo/vector-icons';

let locations = [
    distance: '1.3km',
    timing: 'Deira',
    address: 'Dubai Deira International Market',
    distance: '400m',
    timing: '10am - 10:30pm',
    status: 1,
    address: 'Auto Pro, Silicon Oasis, Dubai',
    distance: '2km',
    timing: '10am - 2:30pm',
    status: 2,
    address: 'Zoom Enoc, Silicon Oasis, Dubai',

const Example = () => (
    onSelect={(item) => console.log(item)}


  • A component displaying locations


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the LocationSwipe

Property Type Required Description
lang string false The language that should be used for the default text in the component. Defaults to en.
data array true An array or locations passed to the component, example above.
onSelect funciton true The function called when a location is selected returning she selected location as parameter.
chooseTxt string false Defaults to Choose from Map.
savedTxt string false Defaults to Saved Locations.
onPressSaved function true The function called when saved location is tapped.
onPressChoose function true The function called when choose from map is tapped.
family object true An object containing the app font family, example above
ionicons @expo/vector-icons true It takes in Ionicons component to display icons in the component
materialIcons @expo/vector-icons true It takes in MaterialIcons component to display icons in the component

Exported Libraries

  • react-native-webview
  • react-native-remote-svg
  • expo-asset
  • expo-av
  • expo-constants
  • expo-document-picker
  • expo-file-system
  • expo-font
  • expo-image-manipulator
  • expo-image-picker
  • moment
  • react-native-actionsheet
  • react-native-animatable
  • react-native-maps
  • react-native-size-matters
  • react-native-sliders
  • react-native-svg
  • react-native-zigzag-lines
  • react-swipeable-views-native
  • styled-components


Rigid Chat

import Errand from "senderrand-shared-components";
import {
} from '@expo/vector-icons';
import Chat, {
  getTrackerMessage, // @ts-ignore
} from 'senderrand-shared-components';

const family = {
  light: 'Light',
  regular: 'Regular',
  medium: 'Medium',
  bold: 'Bold',
  italic: 'RegularItalic',

let sender = { id: 1, name: 'Ollan Monsur' };
let sender2 = { id: 2, name: 'Yinka Azeez' };
let msg = getInvoiceMessage(
  '20 AED',
  'Mirdif City Center',
let msg2 = getTrackerMessage(
  { longitude: 55.3863, latitude: 25.1279 },
  { longitude: 55.3775, latitude: 25.1218 },
let msg3 = getStatusMessage(
  'Yinka is arriving somewhere currently',
let runner: runnerInterface = {
  rate: 4,
  runs: 110,
let msg4 = getNewRunnerMessage('1', runner, 'ar');

// ...

export default () => {
  let [messages, setMessages] = useState([, msg, msg2, msg3, msg4]);
  let send = (message: any) => {
    setMessages([...messages, message]);
    xmppSend('from jabber id', 'to jabber id', message);

  return (
        headerOptions={['History', 'Locations', 'Settings', 'FAQ']}
        headerOnSelectOption={(index) => console.log(index)}
        invoiceBoxPress={(item) => console.log(item)}
        trackBoxPress={(item) => console.log(item)}
        footerOnError={(error: string) => Alert.alert('Failed', error)}


Below are the listed props that can be passed to the header component

Property Type Required Description
lang string false The language code for the chat. Defaults to en.
user userData true This is the currently logged in user. It's an object that should consist of id, name and image. image is not compulsory.
send function true Takes in the message data as parameter. See example above.
textBoxOnSelectOption function false Takes the index and the item selected from the text box options.
mediaOnSelectOption function false Takes the index and the item selected from the media box options.
locationBoxOnSelectOption function false Takes the index and the item selected from the location box options.
fleetBoxOnSelectOption function false Takes the index and the item selected from the fleet box options.
footerOnSelectOption function false Takes the index of the selected option from the footer options.
footerOnSelectDefaultOption function false Takes the index of the selected option from the default footer options.
headerOnSelectOption function false Takes the index of the selected option from the header options.
family object true An object that contains the font family used for the text elements in the component. An example is shown above.
messages array true An array of messages.
entypo @expo/vector-icons true It takes in Entypo component to display icons in the component. Example above.
ionicons @expo/vector-icons true It takes in Ionicons component to display icons in the component. Example above.
materialIcons @expo/vector-icons true It takes in MaterialIcons component to display icons in the component. Example above.
antDesign @expo/vector-icons true It takes in AntDesign component to display icons in the component. Example above.
feather @expo/vector-icons true It takes in Feather component to display icons in the component. Example above.
materialCommunityIcons @expo/vector-icons true It takes in MaterialCommunityIcons component to display icons in the component. Example above.
textBoxOptions array false An array of string passed as the text box options.
voiceNoteOptions array false An array of string passed as the voice note options.
imageBoxOptions array false An array of string passed as the image box options.
errandLocationOptions array false An array of string passed as the errand location box options.
fleetBoxOptions array false An array of string passed as the fleet box options.
footerOptions array false An array of string passed as the footer options.
footerDefaultOptions array false An array of string passed as the footer default options. Defaults to ['Camera', 'Library']
headerOptions array false An array of string passed as the header options.
textBoxBtnPress function false The property called when the button in the text box is pressed. It returns the message item as parameter.
invoiceBoxPress function false The prop called when the invoice box is pressed. It returns the message item as parameter.
trackBoxPress function false The props called when the tracker box is pressed. It returns the message item as parameter.
loading boolean false To disable actions in the component and show loading.
footerOnError function true The function called to return the error parameter when there is an error to report in the component.
footerOnChangeText function false Handles the onChangeText for the footer TextInput.
footerOptionsPress function false The prop called when a button is pressed from the footer button options. It returns the index and item as parameter.
footerType string false To change the footer type. The available types are fleet, options, footer. Defaults to footer.
headerTitle string false The string title passed to the header.
headerDetail string false The text shown below the header title.
newRunnerPress function false The prop called when the new runner component is tapped.
footerSetTyping function false The prop called when user starts and stops typing. It take in a boolean as parameter. True for typing, False for not typing.
footerSetRecording function false The prop called when user starts and stops recording. It take in a boolean as parameter. True for recording, False for not recording.
footerInputRef function false Takes the ref of the footer input as parameter.
footerKeyboardType string false Takes the keyboard type of the footer input.
clear boolean false To trigger the clearing of the input field.
removeFooter boolean false Hides the footer, defaults to false.

Get Invoice Message

import { getInvoiceMessage } from 'senderrand-shared-components';

let sender2 = { id: 2, name: 'Abdul Mumin' };
let msg = getInvoiceMessage(
  '20 AED',
  'Mirdif City Center',


A function call to get the message data structure of an invoice message. The message is then sent to the chat. NOTE: Pass invoiceID when there is a full invoice and don't pass it when there is only total price.


Below are the listed parameter to be passed to the function

Property Type Required Description
orderID string or number true The order ID
price string true The total price to be displayed. EX '120 Naira'
invoiceID string true When invoiceID is passed, it means invoice has been computed. If not passed, it means there is only total price.
senderData senderInterface true The senders data which includes id, name, and image where image image is not compulsory.
location string false The invoice location, which is the point of purchase. Example above.
lang string false The language that should be used for the default text. Defaults to en.

Get Tracker Message

import { getTrackerMessage } from 'senderrand-shared-components';

let sender2 = { id: 2, name: 'Abdul Mumin' };
let msg = getTrackerMessage(
  { longitude: 55.3863, latitude: 25.1279 },
  { longitude: 55.3775, latitude: 25.1218 },


A function call to get the message data structure of a tracking message. The message is then sent to the chat.


Below are the listed parameter to be passed to the function

Property Type Required Description
orderID string or number true The order ID
region coordinateInterface true The coordinate of the region where the user is.
position coordinateInterface true The coordinate of the current user position.
senderData senderInterface true The senders data which includes id, name, and image where image image is not compulsory.
lang string false The language that should be used for the default text. Defaults to en.

Get Status Message

import { getStatusMessage } from 'senderrand-shared-components';

let sender2 = { id: 2, name: 'Abdul Mumin' };
let msg =  getStatusMessage(
  'Yinka is arriving somewhere currently',


A function call to get the message data structure of a status message. The message is then sent to the chat.


Below are the listed parameter to be passed to the function

Property Type Required Description
orderID string or number true The order ID
status string true The status to be sent.
loading boolean false To add loading indicator to the status.
senderData senderInterface true The senders data which includes id, name, and image where image image is not compulsory.
color string false To change the color of the status text.

Get New Runner Message

import { getNewRunnerMessage, runnerInterface } from 'senderrand-shared-components';

let sender2 = { id: 2, name: 'Abdul Mumin' };
let runner: runnerInterface = {
  image: 'oseni.png',
  rate: 4,
  runs: 110,
let msg = getNewRunnerMessage('1', runner, 'ar');


A function call to get the message data structure of a new runner message. The message is then sent to the chat.


Below are the listed parameter to be passed to the function

Property Type Required Description
orderID string / number true The order ID
runner runnerInterface true The runners data which includes id, name, image, rate, runs.
lang string false The language that should be used for the default text. Defaults to en.

Create Table

import { createTable } from 'senderrand-shared-components';



The function is to be called to create the sql table if it doesn't exist, when the application opens.

Send Message

import { sendMessage, messageInterface } from 'senderrand-shared-components';

let message: messageInterface = {
  sender: { id: 2, name: 'The sender' },
  id: 76,
  status: 3,
  date: new Date(),
  text: 'The sender has accepted the Invoice, Proceed to make payment.',
  file: null,
  type: 'text',
  reply: null,
  orderID: 1,
  data: { btnTitle: 'PAY' },
} // Pass required data
  (res) => res && console.log(res)


The function is called to send message into the device, after sending you can call the getMessages to get updates. The response is false if it fails to send.


Below are the listed parameter to be passed to the function

Property Type Required Description
message messageInterface true The message to be sent to the chat. Example above
callback function true Callback when the promise completes. The response is false if sending fails, but returns an array of messages when it succeeds.

Get Messages

import { getMessages } from 'senderrand-shared-components';

getMessages('order ID')


The function is called to get the messages on the device,


Below are the listed parameter to be passed to the function

Property Type Required Description
orderID string true The order id of the messages to be retrieved.

Update Message

import { updateMessage } from 'senderrand-shared-components';

  (res) => res && callback({ type: 'messages' })


The function is called to update messages on the device,


Below are the listed parameter to be passed to the function

Property Type Required Description
primaryKey string true The key of the item to be updated ex: status, file.
primaryValue string / number true The value to be updated with. Stringify it if the value is neither string nor number.
secondaryKey string true A key in the particular row to be updated. ex id, orderID
secondaryValue `string number` true
callback function true Callback when the promise completes. The response is false if update fails, but returns an array of messages when it succeeds.

Delete Message

import { deleteMessage } from 'senderrand-shared-components';

  (res) => res && callback({ type: 'messages' })


The function is called to delete messages on the device,


Below are the listed parameter to be passed to the function

Property Type Required Description
key string true A key in the object to be deleted.
value string / number true The value to be deleted. Stringify it if the value is neither string nor number.
callback function true Callback when the promise completes. The response is false if delete fails, but returns an array of messages when it succeeds.

XMPP Client

import { XmppClient } from 'senderrand-shared-components';

const App = () => (
      id: 1,
      jabber_id: '',
      phone: '',
    change={(res: any) => console.log(res, 'hello there')}


The component is used globally in the app to handle xmpp request and response.,


Below are the listed properties to be passed to the component

Property Type Required Description
user object true The user object containing the user id jabber_id and phone number.
service string true The server url.
domain string true The service domain.
change function true When there is an update on the xmpp.


import { xmppSend } from 'senderrand-shared-components';

xmppSend('from', 'to', {/* data */})


The function is called to send request to xmpp,


Below are the listed parameter to be passed to the function

Property Type Required Description
from string true The senders jabber id.
to string true The receivers jabber id.
data object true The data to be sent through xmpp.

Send Typing

import { sendTyping } from 'senderrand-shared-components';

sendTyping(true, 'orderID', 'from', 'to')


The function is called to denote that user is currently typing.


Below are the listed parameter to be passed to the function

Property Type Required Description
typing boolean true Weather typing is true or false.
orderID string true The orderID of the current conversation.
from string true The senders jabber id.
to string true The receivers jabber id.

Send Recording

import { sendRecording } from 'senderrand-shared-components';

sendRecording(true, 'orderID', 'from', 'to')


The function is called to denote that user is currently recording voice note.


Below are the listed parameter to be passed to the function

Property Type Required Description
recording boolean true Weather recording is true or false.
orderID string true The orderID of the current conversation.
from string true The senders jabber id.
to string true The receivers jabber id.

Get Msg

import { getMsg } from 'senderrand-shared-components';

getMsg() // messageInterface parameters
// sender
// orderID
// type
// status
// text
// file
// data
// reply
// duration


The function is called to format message data, It takes in messageInterface parameters where sender, orderID and type are compulsory.

Format URL Msg

import { formatURLMsg } from 'senderrand-shared-components';

formatURLMsg({}, 'http//') // messageInterface parameters
// messageInterface
// url


The function is called when replacing uri with url. Pass the message data and the url, then get new message format.

Send Read

import { sendRead } from 'senderrand-shared-components';

sendRead('orderID', 'from', 'to')


The function is called to denote that user has read received messages.


Below are the listed parameter to be passed to the function

Property Type Required Description
orderID string true The orderID of the current conversation.
from string true The senders jabber id.
to string true The receivers jabber id.

Currency Format

import { currencyFormat } from 'senderrand-shared-components';

currencyFormat(10000) // call function passing in integer value and it returns 10,000


The function is called to format a number into currency value ex 10000 to 10,000.


export interface runnerInterface {
  id: string | number;
  name: string;
  image: string;
  rate: number;
  runs: number;

export interface coordinateInterface {
  longitude: number;
  latitude: number;
  longitudeDelta?: number;
  latitudeDelta?: number;

export interface senderInterface {
  id: string | number;
  name?: string;
  image?: string;
export interface messageInterface {
  id: string | number;
  text: string;
  date: Date | number;
  file: any;
  duration?: number;
  sender: senderInterface;
  reply?: messageInterface | null;
  data?: any;
  type: string;
  status: number;
  orderID: string | number;

See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.



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  • senderrand