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1.0.6 • Public • Published

⭐ secure-vm

🧪 Experimental vm() based on iframe for frontend (electron, micro apps, etc).

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❓ What can it do?

👻 It can...

  • [x] 🔐 Run untrusted JavaScript code in an isolated environment.
  • [x] 👽 Pass external APIs (Objects, Functions, Classes) and let untrusted JavaScript code to use them.
  • [ ] ⏱️ Timeout and memory usage limits. See halting problem.
  • [x] ⚛️ Available in electron render. See issue from electron.
  • [x] 🪟 (Almost) Fully transparent. You can even replace vm() with window (if you don't want protection)!
  • [x] 🤔 Keep traceback & code from hackers / DevTools. DevTools will be unable to inspect your code or use debugger.
  • [ ] 🧑‍💻 ESM support (You can use babel to implement that though).

📃 Getting Started

🔽 Install

🦊 npm, yarn & pnpm, etc.

npm install secure-vm
yarn add secure-vm
pnpm install seucre-vm

👾 IIFE (not recommended)

<script src=""></script>
  const ctx = SecureVM.vm()

✅ Usage

import { vm } from 'secure-vm'

const ctx = vm() // Create an isolated context.
ctx.console = globalThis.console
console.log("Hello secure-vm")

🐺 Compatibility

☣️ This is an experimental library that may be incompatible with some old browser kernels (for example, Opera). However, it works on latest versions of Chromium, Firefox, Edge and Safari.

💫 Try it out by yourself: (Demo not ready)

🛠️ Features

🔰 Ease to use

✅ To create a simple isolation, you only have to use a simple function, vm.

const ctx = vm()

👽 You can bypass almost everything to your sandbox and it will work properly, for example, Promise. (Some functions like ArrayBuffer may not work properly for unknown reasons)

const ctx = vm({ console })
let callback
ctx.test = new Promise(resolve => {
  callback = resolve
test.then(value => {
callback('Hello World!')

🔒 Security

🥰 Feel free to add anything you want, Function (constructor) is gonna be safe.

secure-vm also fixed almost all security issues on evel, for example, Object.prototype bypass will fail.

ctx.fetch = fetch
ctx.console = console
fetch('some furry pics')
req => {
  return req.text()
  .then(v => {

🤖 Dynamic import() is disabled, so you do not need to worry about import bypass. See issue from evel.

Maybe we can run these code by using babel hacks, but we don't care.

// TypeError: Cannot import module from an inactive browsing context. (Chromium)
// TypeError: error loading dynamically imported module: data:text/javascript,console.log(window) (Firefox)

🤔 Obfuscation

🔏 secure-vm will automatically erase the traceback line info (if available) so hackers cannot access source code, making it harder to deobfuscate.

function throwError() {
  throw new Error('Where is it?')
throwError() // throwError() will not be displayed in the DevTools traceback (Edge, Chromium, Firefox).

🎨 Customization

😎 You can customize global objects by:

const ctx = vm({ WebAssembly })
ctx. // type hint: WebAssembly

...or use our default whitelist by:

const ctx = vm()

This project is licensed under the MIT license.




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