Secretlint CLI that scan secret/credential data.
Install with npm:
npm install secretlint
$ secretlint [file|glob*]
supported glob syntax is based on microglob
--init setup config file. Create .secretlintrc.json file from your package.json
--format [String] formatter name. Default: "stylish". Available Formatter: ${getFormatterList()
.map((item) =>
.join(", ")}
--output [path:String] output file path that is written of reported result.
--no-color disable ANSI-color of output.
--no-terminalLink disable terminalLink of output.
--maskSecrets enable masking of secret values. replace actual secrets with "***".
--secretlintrc [path:String] path to .secretlintrc config file. Default: .secretlintrc.*
--secretlintignore [path:String] path to .secretlintignore file. Default: .secretlintignore
Options for Developer
--profile Enable performance profile.
--secretlintrcJSON [String] a JSON string of .secretlintrc. use JSON string instead of rc file.
Experimental Options
--locale [String] locale tag for translating message. Default: en
$ secretlint ./
# glob pattern should be wrapped with double quote
$ secretlint "**/*"
$ secretlint "source/**/*.ini"
# found secrets and mask the secrets
$ secretlint .zsh_history --format=mask-result --output=.zsh_history
Exit Status
Secretlint exits with the following values:
- 0:
- Linting succeeded, no errors found.
- Found lint error but --output is specified.
- 1:
- Linting failed, errors found.
- 2:
- Unexpected error occurred, fatal error.
See Releases page.
Install devDependencies and Run npm test
npm test
Pull requests and stars are always welcome.
For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request :D
MIT © azu