A sipme helper manager to process Javascript-based changes to Shopify Plus checkout.
Written in TypeScript with exports to plain Javascript and Browser (through Browserify).
npm i --save scsm
See dist/scsm(.min).js
Add a script to your layouts/checkout.liquid
# TS version...
# checkout.ts
import { JobManager, BaseJob, IJob, Step, Event } from 'scsm';
// Example basic hello class
class Hello extends BaseJob implements IJob {
// Fire only on payment method page and shipping method page
public steps = [Step.PaymentMethod, Step.ShippingMethod];
// Fire only for DOMContentLoaded
public events = [Event.DomLoaded];
// Run your code...
run(): void {
// Since subsribing to multiple steps, you can use
// `this.isStep(Step.[Step Here])` to confirm the current step
// Add the job
JobManager.add(new Hello());
// Fire all jobs tired to DOMContentLoaded
// Fire all jobs tired to page:change
// Fire all jobs tired to page:load
# JS version...
# checkout.js
const { JobManager, BaseJob, Step, Event } = require('scsm');
// Example basic hello class
class Hello extends BaseJob {
constructor() {
// Fire only on payment method page and shipping method page
this.steps = [Step.PaymentMethod, Step.ShippingMethod];
// Fire only for DOMContentLoaded
this.events = [Event.DomLoaded];
// Run your code...
run() {
// Since subsribing to multiple steps, you can use
// `this.isStep(Step.[Step Here])` to confirm the current step
// It also accepts an array of steps
// Add the job
JobManager.add(new Hello());
// Fire all jobs tired to DOMContentLoaded
// Fire all jobs tired to page:change
// Fire all jobs tired to page:load
<!-- layouts/checkout.liquid -->
<!-- save scsm.min.js to assets/ -->
{{ 'scsm.min.js' | asset_url | script_url }}
// SCSM is mapped to window.SCSM
function Hello(type) {
// Fire only on payment method page and shipping method page
this.steps = [SCSM.Step.PaymentMethod, SCSM.Step.ShippingMethod];
// Fire only for DOMContentLoaded
this.events = [SCSM.Event.DomLoad];
* Checks if the step is active.
* @param step The step to check.
Hello.prototype.isStep(step) {
if (step.constructor === Array) {
return step.indexOf(SCSM.JobManager.currentStep) > -1;
return SCSM.JobManager.currentStep === step;
Hello.prototype.run = function() {
// Since subsribing to multiple steps, you can use
// `this.isStep(Step.[Step Here])` to confirm the current step
// It also accepts an array of steps
// Add the job
SCSM.JobManager.add(new Hello());
// Fire all jobs tired to DOMContentLoaded
// Fire all jobs tired to page:change
// Fire all jobs tired to page:load
Code is written in TypeScript based in src
npm run build
will convert the TypeScript code to Javascript and place output into lib
npm prepare
will compile the TypeScript, run Babelify and Browserify.
This will output TypeScript compile to lib
This will output minfied browser compatible Javascript to dist
npm test
through Jest. See src/__tests__
Released under the MIT License.