npm install schedule-cache --save
var Cache = require("schedule-cache");var cache = Cache.create(); // now just use the cache cache.put("foo", "bar");console.log(cache.get("foo")); // that wasn't too interesting, here's the good part cache.put("dapigu", "roar", 100, function(key, value) { console.log(key + " did " + value);}); // Time in ms console.log("Dapigu will now " + cache.get("dapigu")); setTimeout(function() { console.log("Dapigu is " + cache.get("dapigu"));}, 200); // create new cache instancevar newCache = Cache.create(); newCache.put("foo", "newbaz"); setTimeout(function() { console.log("foo in old cache is " + cache.get("foo")); console.log("foo in new cache is " + newCache.get("foo"));}, 200);
which should print
dapigu will now roar
Dapigu did roar
Dapigu is null
foo in old cache is baz
foo in new cache is newbaz
Or schedule style
// Per Minute Clear Cachecache.put("foo1", "minute", "*/1 * * * *", function (key, value) { console.log("Per " + value + "Cache");}); // Per Second Clear Cachecache.put("foo1", "second", "*/1 * * * * *", function (key, value) { console.log("Per " + value + "Cache");});
which should print
Per second Cache
Per minute Cache