__ ___/_____ ___________________ ______________________
_____ \_ __ `/_ ___/_ ___/_ / / / __ \_ __ \_ ___/
____/ // /_/ /_(__ )_(__ )_ /_/ // /_/ / / / /(__ )
/____/ \__,_/ /____/ /____/ _\__, / \____//_/ /_//____/
/____/ By: The Qodesmith
Sassyons is a SCSS utility libaray offering a bajillion helper classes designed to help you prototype and style apps ≋fast! Use it in conjunction with a tool like purgecss to include only the styles you use. Or just use create-new-app (which includes Sassyons) to build React apps and everything is wired up for you!
Show Me The Styles!
Sassyons includes a bunch of modules, each pertaining to a different part of CSS. Click on any one of the modules below to see what goodies Sassyons has to offer!
- Borders
- Colors
- Directions (top, right, bottom, left)
- Display
- Flexbox
- Font Size
- Font Styling
- Heights
- Line Height
- Margins
- Misc
- Opacity
- Overflow
- Padding
- Shades (varieties of black and white)
- Text
- Vertical Align
- White Space
- Widths
- Z-Index