TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.1.0 • Public • Published


Add a tldraw canvas to your Sanity Studio and React app in just 5 minutes.

📹 Watch a 20 second video to see how it works


Inside your Sanity Studio

npm install sanity-plugin-tldraw

If you do not yet have a Sanity Studio, you can create a new free project with the following command

npm create sanity@latest

Use in Sanity Studio

Add it as a plugin in sanity.config.ts.

You will also need to import tldraw's CSS. Ideally this won't be necessary in a future release.

// 1️⃣ import tldraw's css
import 'tldraw/tldraw.css'

import {defineConfig} from 'sanity'

// 2️⃣ import the tldraw plugin
import {tldraw} from 'sanity-plugin-tldraw'

export default defineConfig({
  // ... other config
  plugins: [
    // ... other plugins
    // 3️⃣ add the tldraw plugin

Then add it as a field in your schema types

export const postType = defineType({
  name: 'post',
  title: 'Post',
  fields: [
    // ... other fields
      name: 'drawing',
      // 👇 this `type` is what the plugin creates
      type: 'tldraw',
      options: {
        // 👇 optional: set the height of the canvas
        height: 400,

The tldraw schema type is an object with two fields:

  • document, stringified JSON of the drawing, this needs to be parsed when rendered into your front end.
  • sessions, an array of stringified JSON saving the state of each user that interacts with the drawing, so that their position is synced across browsers and saved for when they return.

Render in your front end

When querying on your front end, you likely only need the document field.

*[_type == "post"]{
  "drawing": drawing.document

Install the tldraw SDK for your front end.

npm i tldraw

And render the drawing using the TldrawImage component

import {TldrawImage} from 'tldraw'

export function Post({title, drawing}) {
  return (
      <TldrawImage document={JSON.parse(drawing)} />


MIT © Simeon Griggs

Develop & test

This plugin uses @sanity/plugin-kit with default configuration for build & watch scripts.

See Testing a plugin in Sanity Studio on how to run this plugin with hotreload in the studio.

Release new version

Run "CI & Release" workflow. Make sure to select the main branch and check "Release new version".

Semantic release will only release on configured branches, so it is safe to run release on any branch.



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  • simeongriggs