Editor friendly slug fields for your studio. Prefixed URLs and auto-slugifying values.
Start by enabling it in your Sanity V3 studio:
yarn add sanity-plugin-prefixed-slug
# or npm
npm i sanity-plugin-prefixed-slug
releases of this plugin.
Then, use the custom input component in your slug
import { SlugInput } from 'sanity-plugin-prefixed-slug'
export default {
name: 'testing-slugs',
type: 'document',
fields: [
name: 'slug_regular_custom_input',
type: 'slug',
// Add the custom input to the `component` object of your field
components: {
input: SlugInput,
options: {
source: 'title',
urlPrefix: 'https://site.url',
// Use isUnique/maxLength just like you would w/ the regular slug field
isUnique: MyCustomIsUniqueFunction,
maxLength: 30,
// If you want to save the full URL in the slug object, set storeFullUrl to `true`
// Example storage: { _type: "slug", current: "my-slug", fullUrl: "" }
storeFullUrl: true,
// If you want to customize how slugs are formatted
name: 'slug_custom_format',
type: 'slug',
components: {
input: SlugInput,
options: {
urlPrefix: 'https://site.url',
slugify: (slugString) => slugString.toLowerCase(),
// You can also avoid slugifying entirely by returning the full value:
slugify: (slugString) => slugString,
// If you want to provide a custom path based on the current document:
name: 'slug_function_path',
type: 'slug',
components: {
input: SlugInput,
options: {
urlPrefix: (document) => `https://site.url/${document.lang}`,
// It could even be a promise! 🛑 Be careful: this will be triggered on every document change.
urlPrefix: async (document) => {
const subPath = await getDocumentSubPath(document) // ficticious asynchronous method
return `https://site.url/${subPath}`
. As that was pretentious and unclear, I've made the switch to prefixed-slug
Upgrading from sanity-plugin-better-slug? Rename your options.basePath
to options.urlPrefix