Cart Widget that can be embedded into sites in order to allow its users to buy products and send orders to the site owner.
Step by step explanation how project has been built.
There's a git tag for every step, use it to see state of project for every step - type
git checkout <tag-name>
and git checkout master
to set project to the latest state.
- HTML Mockups -
How to install NodeJS
We need it to use LESS, and as our web server.
Don't use NodeJS pre-packaged installer because it will install it with sudo and
you don't want that, also don't install it via brew
or other package manager because
for some reason unknown to me all of them install it somehow wrongly.
It's better to built NodeJS from sources.
wget -xzf node-vX.X.X.tar.gzcd node-vX.X.X./configuremakemake install
How to install LESS
NodeJS should be installed, then type npm install less -g
How to namespace Twitter Bootstrap styles
Download Twitter Bootstrap, go to css
folder, create
file and copy content of bootstrap.css
there (LESS is superset of CSS so it will be fine).
Create file bootstrap-widget.less
and put import bootstrap styles into namespace.
.bootstrap {@import "./bootstrap.less";}
Now run LESS and convert it to CSS
lessc bootstrap-widget.less > bootstrap-widget.css
You should get file bootstrap-widget.css
with all bootstrap styles put under
the bootstrap
Copyright (c) Alexey Petrushin,, released under the MIT license.