npm install sails-seed
Depending on you version of sails, sails-seed is treated differently On install, a config/seeds.js is created. Here you will put your seeding data.
Sails 0.11
For Sails 0.11 and greater there is nothing further to do. Sails-seed runs as an installable hook.
Sails 0.10
For Sails 0.10 and previous, a file of api/hook/seed/index.js is created on installation. No further configuration is required, but this file is necessary for the data to seed.
Place your seeding data in the config/seeds.js file. For exampe, for a Person model, your config/seeds.js file might look like
moduleexportsseeds = person: firstName: 'Luke' lastName: 'Skywalker' firstName: 'Darth' lastName: 'Vader'
By default, sails-seed will not overwrite the data which is present. If you would not like your seed to overwrite, your new config/seeds.js file might look like
moduleexportsseeds = person: data: firstName: 'Luke' lastName: 'Skywalker' firstName: 'Darth' lastName: 'Vader' overwrite: false
If you would like to seed only data that is not presetnt, you can use a unique field(s), like so
moduleexportsseeds = person: data: firstName: 'Luke' lastName: 'Skywalker' firstName: 'Darth' lastName: 'Vader' unique: 'lastName' 'firstName'
This will only create objects that do not have the unique firstName and lastName combinations Given an overwrite true option, sails-seed will only overwrite items which match the unique requirements.
If you would like disable the seed hook (say for testing purposes) simply add the following config option
moduleexportsseeds = disable: true person: data: firstName: 'Luke' lastName: 'Skywalker' firstName: 'Darth' lastName: 'Vader' unique: 'lastName' 'firstName'
If you would like to disable per model, you can add an active option. Like so will disable the person seeding
moduleexportsseeds = person: active: false data: firstName: 'Luke' lastName: 'Skywalker' firstName: 'Darth' lastName: 'Vader' unique: 'lastName' 'firstName'
You may also set configurations (say for testing) via the sails pipeline. Just make sure that you have set the configurations you wish you have before the hook:moduleloader:loaded event. This way you wouldn't have to change your configuration for testing in the code, and could have the test configuration.
All New Enhancements and development are branched of develop. Pull requests for enhancements should be added to develop. The current version that is published is master. Any bug fixes and bug pull requests will be added to the current release branch. That is, if version 1.4.x is released on master, then any bug fixes or bug pull requests should be added to the branch v1.4. After merge and ready to release, a patch version of the v1.4 branch would be merged to master and released. Once develop has gotten enough features, a new release branch will be created and merged to master.
M. Elliot Frost, CEO of Frostware