Generates HTML forms for models in SailsJS. Give it a model and (not necessarily) an entity, it gives you a form with all attributes of that model (model references and collections are for now handled as integer).
It is based on Html form generator.
In config.json, you can manage a few options :
ajax : wether you want the forms to be submitted via JS (needs front-end jQuery). If not, the form will be posted simply and the user will fall on the JSON output from Sails update / create / destroy operations.
- default to true
ajaxURL : when ajax is true and reloading a form on a page, JS needs to grab a brand-new form, so it needs an URL to generate and grab it.
- default to /sailshtmlformsubmit
- appendNew : when ajax is true and a create model form is submitted, and a new node created, tell the module to append a new empty create model form or not.
Main method : modelGetForm
- modelIdentity : a string indicating the model (required)
- model : an entity of this model to build this form for (ID or loaded object)
- separator : a string separating the form inputs
- The form as a string, with all attributes of the model
var formGS = require('sails-html-form-generator')(sails);
formGS.modelGetForm("owner", owner, '<br/>').then(function(string) {
// Do what you want with the form
// Parrot.js
module.exports = {
attributes: {
// e.g., "Polly"
name: {
type: 'string'
// e.g., 3.26
wingspan: {
type: 'float',
required: true
// e.g., "cm"
wingspanUnits: {
type: 'string',
enum: ['cm', 'in', 'm', 'mm'],
defaultsTo: 'cm'
If you use that module modelGetForm, presuming you have ajax set to TRUE
var formGS = require('sails-html-form-generator')(sails);
formGS.modelGetForm("parrot", null, '<br/>').then(function(string) {
You will get HTML like this :
<form method="GET" action="/parrot/create" id="sailsFormparrot_new">
<input class="" name="name" value="" type="text">
<input class="" name="wingspanUnits" value="cm" checked="checked" type="radio"> cm
<input class="" name="wingspanUnits" value="in" type="radio"> in
<input class="" name="wingspanUnits" value="m" type="radio"> m
<input class="" name="wingspanUnits" value="mm" type="radio"> mm
<button type="button" class="" value="" onclick="event.preventDefault();io.socket.get("/parrot/create?" + $("#sailsFormreduction_new").serialize(), function(created) {if(created && { io.socket.get("/sailshtmlformsubmit?modelIdentity=parrot&entity=" + + "&separator=<br/>", function(str) { $("#sailsFormreduction_new").replaceWith(str); io.socket.get("/sailshtmlformsubmit?modelIdentity=parrot&separator=<br/>", function(str) { $("#sailsFormparrot_" +"<br/>" + str); }); }); } else {alert("An error occurred");}});">
Which is basically a form to create a new parrot. If you give an existing parrot (id or loaded object), the inputs will be filled with existing values and the create button will be replaced by a destroy button and a update button.
Notes on attributes
For now all attributes are handled, but the references models are used as integers, just specify the ID of the linked entity.
- All attributes with the enum property are managed with radio input
- The boolean attributes are managed with radio input (I didn't manage to make it work with a simple checkbox... help needed)
- The array and json attributes are for now managed with a textarea input, I'll do better asap
- Make an interactive input for references attributes (depends on Html form generator ongoing)
- Make an interactive input for array and json attributes (same problem)
- Make a unique checkbox input for boolean attributes
- Add a criteria in Sails models to automatically build URLs with the form included
- Stop depending on JQuery