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Safe ChainId

Note @remarks originally wrote this in a gist.


MetaMask can only handle chain IDs of a certain size. Specifically:

MAX_SAFE_CHAIN_ID = 4503599627370476;

MetaMask (and any program that consumes the same cryptographic libraries that we do) should reject any chain IDs greater than MAX_SAFE_CHAIN_ID, and validate chain IDs as follows, after successfully parsing them as number values:

const MAX_SAFE_CHAIN_ID = 4503599627370476;

function isSafeChainId(chainId) {
  return (
    Number.isSafeInteger(chainId) && chainId > 0 && chainId <= MAX_SAFE_CHAIN_ID


Problem Statement

At the time of writing, the chain ID is effectively the GUID of Ethereum chains, and a critical component of transaction signing. See EIP-155 for details.

We are about to complete efforts to require chain IDs for all chains in MetaMask and enforce their use in transaction signing. (We were already doing this, but there were some edge cases remaining.)

However, you'll notice that EIP-155 says nothing about the size of the chain ID. Per EIP-695, the chain ID is a QUANTITY, which can be (with some possible caveats) any number in the 0 to 2**256 range.

Because JavaScript number values are IEEE 754 double-precision floating point numbers, they can only safely represent values in the -(2**53 - 1) <= 2**53 - 1 range. (We call the upper end of this range the MAX_SAFE_INTEGER.) This means that a chain could specify a chain ID that isn't safely representable as a native JavaScript number.

In the extension, we've tried to mitigate this by using bignumber.js to validate chain IDs before converting them to hex, but this is also unsafe because of the signing libraries we use. Consider the following ethereumjs-tx implementations:

Whether we use bignumber.js or something else, our signing libraries expect number chain IDs. The formula they used we get from ethereumjs-tx@3.0.0, which we also find in EIP-155:

const isValidEIP155V =
  vInt === this.getChainId() * 2 + 35 || vInt === this.getChainId() * 2 + 36;

In addition, in the ecsign implementation of ethereumjs-util@7.0.5 (the latest version), we find the following:

const sig = ecdsaSign(msgHash, privateKey);
const recovery: number = sig.recid;

const ret = {
  r: Buffer.from(sig.signature.slice(0, 32)),
  s: Buffer.from(sig.signature.slice(32, 64)),
  v: chainId ? recovery + (chainId * 2 + 35) : recovery + 27,

We don't know what will happen if we provide an unsafe chain ID to a signing method, but presumably, nothing good. Let's not find out; let's establish a MAX_SAFE_CHAIN_ID and enforce it.

Now, sig.recid is the ECDSA signature's "recovery id", which per the following sources is a number in the 0 <= 3 range:

In summary:

  • The chain ID is used to compute the v parameter in various Ethereum signing operations
  • Our signing libraries expect the chain ID to be a primitive JavaScript number
  • The chain ID must not exceed the JavaScript MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (2**53 - 1) in size


Given the above signing implementations, we can calculate the largest chain ID, MAX_SAFE_CHAIN_ID, we can safely handle in MetaMask:

From ethereumjs-util@7.0.5, we have that:

  v = recovery + (chainId * 2 + 35)

Per the above discussion, we also have that:

  int_max = 2**53 - 1
  recovery_max = 3
  chainId_max = ?


  v_max = 3 + (chainId * 2 + 35) = chainId * 2 + 38
  v_max <= int_max


  2**53 - 1 = MAX_SAFE_CHAIN_ID * 2 + 38


  // Since we're dealing with integers, we round down.

  MAX_SAFE_CHAIN_ID = floor( ( 2**53 - 39 ) / 2 ) = 4503599627370476

Given the value of the safe chain ID, we can validate all incoming chain IDs as follows, once they're converted to integers:

const MAX_SAFE_CHAIN_ID = 4503599627370476;

function isSafeChainId(chainId) {
  return (
    Number.isSafeInteger(chainId) && chainId > 0 && chainId <= MAX_SAFE_CHAIN_ID

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