The UNIX command rm -rf
for node written with Rust.
import { remove, removeFile, removeDir } from "rustraf";
Remove a folder or a file, the same behaviour as 'rm -rf fileOrFolder' It will remove empty directories that lack read access on Linux, and will remove "read-only" files and directories on Windows.
Remove a file.
Remove a folder and all it's underlying content.
If installed with
npm install rustraf -g
yarn global add rustraf
it can be used as a global
command rustraf <path> [<path> ...]
which is useful for cross platform support.
Removing node_modules with a size of 597,5 MB
Package | Speed |
rimraf | 1.61s user 11.26s system 218% cpu 5.899 total |
rustraf | 0.28s user 5.79s system 84% cpu 7.218 total |
native(darwin-arm64) | 0.06s user 5.38s system 86% cpu 6.293 total |