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0.3.3 • Public • Published

RuskelUI v3.0

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About RuskelUI

RuskeUI is a TailwindCSS-based system for rapid UI development in NextJS/React.

I want to play about and create my own UI library.

Check out RuskelUI via Storybook or try out the RuskelUI Playground in StackBlitz.

Star Us!

If this project helps/has helped you build your Web3 projects faster, star us - every little star helps!

Getting Started

To get started with RuskelUI, you need to TailwindCSS installed in your existing project, if not, install the foll


Run the following to install RuskelUI's Tailwind config file - the "-p" tag is optional and creates a PostCSS file:

npx ruskelui -p

Run the following to install the RuskelUI package:

npm i ruskelui


yarn add ruskelui

Quick Start



The Accordion element displays information from a user in the form of an image if available, and displaying the initials of the user if the user's image is not available.


Property Description Type Default
data Array that takes objects with title and content as keys AccordionData[]
fullWidth Make the accordion full available width or not boolean false
color label color

Code Example

import { RuiAccordion } from 'ruskelui'

const App = () => {
    let _data = [
        {label: "What is the #1 crypto?", content:"The one and only, XRP"}

    return (
        <RuiAccordion data={_data} color="azure" fullWidth >


The Avatar element displays information from a user in the form of an image if available, and displaying the initials of the user if the user's image is not available.


Property Description Type Default
size abac size 6
src abac string
alt abac string
badgeColor abac color undefined
variant abac variant base

Code Example

import { RuiAvatar } from 'ruskelui'

const App = () => {
    return  (
        <RuiAvatar size={16} src="https://imageUrl">


The Breadcrumbs element.


Property Description Type Default
color elem-name color ruby
route floating-label string
fullWidth label boolean
divider placeholder ReactNode
children placeholder ReactNode
variant placeholder variant

Code Example

import { RuiBreadcrumbs } from 'ruskelui'

const App = () => {
    return (
        <RuiBreadcrumbs fullWidth divider={"-"}>
            <RuiBreadcrumbs.Item route='/'>Home</RuiBreadcrumbs.Item>
            <RuiBreadcrumbs.Item route='/blog' variant='current'>Blog</RuiBreadcrumbs.Item>


The Button element.


Property Description Type Default
children elem-name ReactNode string
svg floating-label ReactNode string
startColor label color string
endColor placeholder color string
color placeholder color string
size placeholder size string
direction placeholder direction string
isDisabled placeholder boolean string
variant placeholder variant string

Code Example

import { RuiButton } from 'ruskelui'

const App = () => {
    return (
        <RuiButton color="amethyst" size={"small"}>Connect Wallet</RuiButton>


The Checkbox element displays checked elements.


Property Description Type Default
children color ReactNode
color label-after color ruby
variant label-before variant
strikeThrough name abac false
defaultChecked name boolean false

Code Example

import { RuiCheckbox } from 'ruskelui'

const App = () => {
    return (
        <RuiCheckbox />


The Dropdown element displays options to select elements.


Property Description Type Default
pointer Ref object for further DOM manipulation LegacyRef null
position Align the dropdown's position with flex values start, center and end position
label A label to differentiate drops string
variant A way to differentiate drops with main and secondary variant
navToDrop Target navigation (must be label of a drop) string
color Apply hover color to RuiDropdown.Item color ruby
children ReactNode
rightIcon ReactNode
rightIcon ReactNode

Code Example

import { RuiDropdown } from 'ruskelui'

const App = () => {
    const [open, setOpen] = useState(false)
    return (
        <RuiDropdown position='start' {...args}>
            <button onClick={() => setOpen(!open)}>Click Here</button>
            {open &&
                    <RuiDropdown.Menu label='main' variant='main'>
                        <RuiDropdown.Item color="amethyst">Dashboard</RuiDropdown.Item>
                        <RuiDropdown.Item leftIcon={iconUser} rightIcon={iconChev} color="amethyst" navToDrop='accountSettings'>Account Settings</RuiDropdown.Item>
                        <RuiDropdown.Item color="azure">Support</RuiDropdown.Item>
                        <RuiDropdown.Item color="scarlet">Log Out</RuiDropdown.Item>
                    <RuiDropdown.Menu label='accountSettings' variant='secondary'>
                        <RuiDropdown.Item color="amethyst" navToDrop='main'>Main Menu</RuiDropdown.Item>
                        <RuiDropdown.Item color="azure">Edit Profile</RuiDropdown.Item>
                        <RuiDropdown.Item color="teal">Edit 2FA settings</RuiDropdown.Item>
                        <RuiDropdown.Item color="amethyst">Edit Party settings</RuiDropdown.Item>
                        <RuiDropdown.Item color="scarlet">Log Out</RuiDropdown.Item>


The Input element allows data input.


Property Description Type Default
elemName elem-name abac string
floatingLabel floating-label abac string
label label abac string
placeholder placeholder abac string

Code Example

import { RuiInput } from 'ruskelui'

const App = () => {
    return (
        <RuiInput color >


The KBD element.


Property Description Type Default
color color Sets the color of the inner element inside the loader string

Code Example

import { RuiKBD } from 'ruskelui'

const App = () => {
    return (
        <RuiKBD color="teal">enter</RuiKBD>


The Loader element.


Property Description Type Default
color Sets the color of the inner element inside the loader string peridot

Code Example

import { RuiLoader } from 'ruskelui'

const App = () => {
    return (
        <RuiLoader color="peridot"/>


The Modal element.


Property Description Type Default
pointer Name that's attached to ID HTML attribute LegacyRef<HTMLDialogElement>
size Change the width of the modal size md

Code Example

import { RuiModal } from 'ruskelui'

const App = () => {
    const reffer = useRef<LegacyRef<HTMLDialogElement> | undefined>(null)
    // @ts-ignore
    const openModal = () =>
    // @ts-ignore
    const closeModal = () => reffer.current.close()
    return (
            <button onClick={() => openModal()}>open Modal</button>
            <RuiModal pointer={reffer} {...args}>
                <h1>Hi this is a modal!</h1>
                <p>Giving you the room to customise the functionality around this modal, since it's extending the native Dialog element 👾</p>
                <button onClick={() => closeModal()}>close Modal</button>


The Pill element displays information or status about a process.


*We recommend to use 12 by 12 (pixels) SVG icon to ensure that it fits within the sizing of the pill. If using Tailwind, set the width and height by using "w-3 h-3" in the class/className attribute.

Property Description Type Default
label label Useful for displaying statuses string
iconBefore icon-before Default version - sets the icon to appear before the label boolean
iconAfter icon-after Sets the icon to appear after the label boolean
color color Sets the global color of the pill ruby

Code Example

import { RuiPill } from 'ruskelui';

const App = () => {
    return (
        <RuiPill color={"ruby"} label="Processing" />


The ProgressBar element visually shows the % of the meter filled.


Property Description Type Default
color color Sets BG color as RuskelUI's neonic colours or Tailwind's native colours - only for single colour styling colorType
name name Name that's attached to Title & ID of element string
isGradient isGradient Enables for dual gradients boolean
startColour startColour Starting colour of dual gradient colorType
endColour endColour Ending colour of dual gradient colorType
percentage percentage Sets the percentage value for the progress bar and changes how much is filled number

Code Example

import { RuiProgress } from 'ruskelui'

const App = () => {
    return (
        <RuiProgress variant={"bar"} percentage={53} color={"teal"}>
        <RuiProgress variant={"donut"} percentage={53} color={"indigo"}>


The Radio element.


Property Description Type Default
elemName elem-name abac string
floatingLabel floating-label abac string
label label abac string
placeholder placeholder abac string

Code Example

import { RuiRadio } from 'ruskelui'

const App = () => {
    return (
        <RuiRadio variant={"base"} color="sunstone" label={'Option One'}>
        <RuiRadio variant={"base"} color="sunstone" label={'Option Two'}>
        <RuiRadio variant={"base"} color="sunstone" label={'Option Three'}>
        <RuiRadio variant={"base"} color="sunstone" label={'Option Four'}>


The Select element.


Property Description Type Default
elemName elem-name abac string
floatingLabel floating-label abac string
label label abac string
placeholder placeholder abac string

Code Example

import { RuiSelect } from 'ruskelui'

const App = () => {
    return (
            <RuiSelect.Item color='amethyst' value='Polygon'/>
            <RuiSelect.Item color='green' value='Holo'/>
            <RuiSelect.Item color='blue' value='Fantom'/>
            <RuiSelect.Item color='pink' value='Kadena'/>
            <RuiSelect.Item color='red' value='Tron'/>
            <RuiSelect.Item color='amber' value='Bitcoin'/>
            <RuiSelect.Item color='yellow' value='USDC'/>


The Toast element.


Property Description Type Default
color color Sets the colour from RuskelUI's neonic colours or Tailwind's native colours colorType
title title Sets the title of the toast component string
content content Sets the content of the toast to convey information ReactNode


The Toggle element.


Property Description Type Default
color color Sets BG color as RuskelUI's neonic colours or Tailwind's native colours string
name name Sets the accesibility name string

Code Example

import { RuiToggle } from 'ruskelui'

const App = () => {
    return (
        <RuiToggle color="azure">


The Tooltip element.


Property Description Type Default
children children ReactNode
name name Provides a name for the tooltip string
message message Sets the message to display when tooltip is shown string
position position Sets the position from which the tooltip should be shown posType

Code Example

import { RuiTooltip } from 'ruskelui';

const App = () => {
    let _message = "Fire reaction"
    return (
        <RuiTooltip message={_message} direction={"top"}>


This project is under the MIT License - view the LICENSE file for more details.

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