Reveals an object's true name.
Have you ever wanted to use an object as a key? If you know an object's true name you can.
You're probably thinking, "Oh great, an object hashing function." But that's not what this does. Rumplestiltskin gives you a consistent string representation for an object so you can use it as a key in a map.
var trueName = trueName; var myMap = {}; { myMap = val;} { return myMap;} ;; console;console;
True names are not cheap. The larger, more complicated an object is, the higher the cost. When you want to know if two objects are equal, use a deepEqual function do not compare their true names.
If you want a hash for objects, just feed true names into a hash function.
As a bonus, Rumplestiltskin can also accept a salt to prepend to the true name this can come in handy if you want to differentiate between identical objects.
To see a salt in action try using emaNeurt:
var emaNeurt = emaNeurt; console;
Which basically does this:
trueName(o, '\u202e');