What is this?
Sick of the incompatible mess of vendor prefixes, adapters, plugins, extensions, and native modules? rtc-everywhere gives you spec-compliant WebRTC in as many environments as possible, all with the same simple code.
Supported Environments
💻 Desktop
- Chrome
- Firefox
- MS Edge [Partial]
- No data channels
- Safari 7+
- Requires Temasys Plugin
- Internet Explorer 9+ [In Progress]
- Requires Temasys Plugin
📱 Mobile
- Android 5+
- Cordova iOS
- Requires cordova-iosrtc
- Cordova Android
- Requires cordova-crosswalk
- react-native iOS/Android [In Progress]
- Requires react-native-webrtc
- Node.js 0.10+ (via wrtc) [In Progress]
Getting Started
npm install rtc-everywhere --save
var rtc = ; // Available:// rtc.RTCPeerConnection// rtc.RTCIceCandidate// rtc.RTCSessionDescription// rtc.getUserMedia// rtc.attachStream(stream, videoElement)
🔮 Want a more detailed example that uses these functions? Check out the loopback stream example!
Exactly the same as the specification. See the Specification Documentation!
Exactly the same as the specification. See the Specification Documentation!
Exactly the same as the specification. See the Specification Documentation!
getUserMedia(constraints, cb)
Similar to the specification, but slightly adjusted to have an easier API.
is optional (makes things easier)- Defaults to
{video: true, audio: true}
- Defaults to
is a node-style error first callback
// these are the same thingrtc;rtc;
attachStream(stream, element)
- Attaches a stream to a given video element
- Returns the element the video was attached to
- In IE and Safari, the video element will be replaced by an
element- Elements will not be replaced or modified unless they exist on the DOM
- Regardless of replacement, the new
element will be returned