
0.1.2 • Public • Published


Simple client-side routing library.


  • Define Rouder instances to use either path-based or hash-based routes, or select automatically depending on browser compatibility.

  • Backwards compatibility with legacy browsers not supporting non-refreshing location changes is baked in. Write routes once, and rouder will listen appropriately. You can use the outlined methods below to go to a URL that won't refresh the page.

  • This library should work well to allow users to be able to share a link with expected results, and result in better crawlability of your site.

  • Intended specifically for browser based environments as it relies on browser-exclusive APIs.


Rouder is available for direct use from the unpkg CDN at as either minified or not.

The builds in dist/ will define Rouder as a global.

<!-- Latest minified build (links to dist/rouder.min.js) -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Latest unminified build -->
<script src=""></script>

Rouder can also be imported in a JavaScript file that will be prepared for the browser with a build tool such as webpack or browserify.

var Rouder = require('rouder');

Quick example

var rouder = new Rouder(); // An optional config object could be passed here

var postsRoute = function(params) {
  console.log('Navigated to post #' + + '!');

var usersRoute = function(params) {
  console.log('Now viewing ' + + '\'s profile.');

rouder.use('posts/:id', postsRoute); // Define routes with .use()
rouder.use('users/:name', usersRoute);
rouder.use('home', function() {
  console.log('Going home...');

rouder.start(); // Start listening for our defined routes


rouder.remove('home', 'posts/:id'); // Routes can later be removed by using the same path they were defined with

Config options

You may pass these options in an object to new Rouder().

  • usePaths: Boolean (default: true). Enables/disables watching for regular path-based locations. By disabling this, you will need to use hashtag based paths only.

  • useHashes: Boolean (default: true). Enables/disables linking to hashes with .goTo(). (format #/path). Disabling will break backwards compatibility in legacy browsers.

  • rootLocation: String (default: "/"). Sets the root of your app, to base paths on.

  • hashPrefix: String (defaults: "/"). Sets a prefix for any generated hashtag links, and enables listening for them appropriately. Good to minimize conflicts with any other hash links.

  • preserveonhashchange: Boolean (default: true). Enables/disables the preservation of any function that was already assigned to window.onhashchange, and will run that function before executing the routing logic.

  • watchHashes: Boolean (default: true). Enables/disables watching for hash changes using window.onhashchange. Hash based paths can still be used with this option disabled, but they will need to be run using .goTo() instead of simply linked to.

  • An alternative window object may be passed as the second argument to new Rouder(). This is used in the pre-build tests and may not have a real use application.


  • rouder.start()

    Begin listening for navigation. Should be called after the page is ready.

  • rouder.use(path, callback)

    Accepts path as a String or RegEx (uses path-to-regexp for parsing), and a callback function to be executed when that path is visited. The callback function will be passed one argument: an object containing key-value pairs of the parameters specified in the path, if any (otherwise an empty object).

  • rouder.remove(path[, path2[, pathN...]]) or rouder.remove([path, path2, pathN...])

    Stops listening for paths, using the same value they were defined with.

  • rouder.goTo(path[, force])

    Navigates to path, relative to the configuration, without refreshing the page. This will call any callback function associated with path, unless this is navigating to the same path as the last path executed. Pass in true as the second argument to force any callback function to be run regardless.

  • rouder.pause()

    Pauses listening for navigation.

  • rouder.resume()

    Resumes listening for navigation.

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