This is a simple web application that presents a list of users, allows to create, edit and remove each user in the list.
runs on your laptop
http server uses nodejs
uses REST API for CRUD operations
has hardcoded initial list of users (no need to use files / DB), each time backend restarts
it is initiated with the same list of hardcoded users
- we encourage you to use modules and/or extra tools/libraries you want, make sure you
can explain what each of them does and why did you use it
Front end
runs on BackboneJS
when no users exist in list, shows some message
no console errors
we encourage you to use modules and/or extra tools/libraries you want, but you’ll need
to explain what each of them does and why did you use it
Build backend API points according to REST best practices
Use proper HTTP requests
Data between server and client should be consistent as much as possible
Don’t mess with styling - build something clear and straightforward (see example below)
No page reloads after initial loading
Open an account on github and commit as you advance through the task, so we’ll be
able to see your progress :] (not must, but if you do, send us a link)
- Write few unit and functionality tests