Rolling search uses the Rabin-Karp algorithm to search the text pattern from the text data.
npm install rolling-search
- Find the objects having the text pattern.
- Find the specific indices in objects where text pattern matches.
- Find the match at the particular fields of the object
There are different ways to match the pattern this library provides some of them are :
searchMatch: This method finds if there is any match of the pattern in the text with provided parameters. Return the promise of the
import {searchMatch} from "rolling-search";
const result = await searchMatch({
text: "Hello World",
pattern: "world", // lowercase 'w'
hasCaseSensitive: false,
hasMatchOnlyWords: false,
// Output result: true
searchMatchPositions: This method find the the indices wherever the pattern match in the text. Return the promise of the
indices array
(indices are the starting indices from where the pattern match in the text and each doesn't count the collided range)
import {searchMatchPositions} from "rolling-search"
const result = await searchMatchPositions({
text: "World, Hello World World, worLdworld, World World",
pattern: "World",
hasCaseSensitive: false,
maxMatchCount: 2, // Limit to first 2 matches
hasMatchOnlyWords: true,
// Output result: [13, 28]
RollingSearch: This class contain the searchMatch and searchMatchPositions methods with extra funtionality to search on the
specific fields
of the objects.
import {RollingSearch} from "../src/searchEngine";
const searchEngine = new RollingSearch();
const array = [{text: "hello worlD", tags:"hello"}, {text: "this is another way World_", tags:"world"}];
const pattern = "world";
const searchEngine = new RollingSearch(array);
const result = await{
pattern: pattern,
hasMatchOnlyWords: true,
onlyMatchIndices: false,
// Output result = [{text: true, tags:false}, {text: false, tags:true}]
const array = [{text: "hello worlD", tags:"hello"}, {text: "this is another way World_", tags:"world"}];
const pattern = "world";
const searchEngine = new RollingSearch(array);
const result = await{
pattern: pattern,
hasMatchOnlyWords: true,
searchFields: ["tags"] // search on particular tag
// Output result = [1]
const array = [
{text: "hello worlD woRld World world"},
{text: "this is another way World_"},
{text: "this is world of WORLDS_"},
{text: "world only"},
{text: "another world"},
const pattern = "world";
const searchEngine = new RollingSearch(array, 2); // limit to max two matches in an iteration
async function search() {
const result = await{
pattern: pattern,
hasMatchOnlyWords: true,
onlyMatchIndices: false,
return result;
const result1 = await search();
// Output result1 : [{text: true}, {text: false}]
const result2 = await search();
// Output result2 : [{text: true}, {text:true}]
const result3 = await search();
// Output result3 : [{text: true}]
const array = [
{text: "hello worlD woRld World world"},
{text: "this is another way World_"},
const pattern = "world";
const searchEngine = new RollingSearch(array);
const result = await searchEngine.searchPositions({
array: array,
pattern: pattern,
hasMatchOnlyWords: true,
maxMatchCount: 2,
// Output result : [{text: [6, 12]}, {text: []}]