
0.2.0 • Public • Published


This is a collection of tools for integrating Troff output with JavaScript. It is not a module for parsing Roff source. Don't ever be tempted to write one, either. Stick to a standard Troff implementation like Groff or Heirloom Doctools.

This version is an early pre-release, still in alpha and prone to many changes.

Postprocessors included

  • ### canvas Uses HTML5 canvas technology to render PDF documents generated by gropdf (or its equivalent).

  • ### html-tty Generate an HTML-based rendition of monospaced terminal output, replicating the look of a document formatted with nroff.

Both of these will eventually see use in an (unfinished) extension for the Atom editor.

Postprocessors planned

  • ### markdown Lossy conversion to CommonMark, with optional GFM-specific features. Includes automated uploading and embedding of embedded SVGs (which requires the gist tool for uploads).

  • ### rst Lossy conversion to reStructuredText, another lightweight markup language with significantly more features than Markdown.

  • ### svg Render a document or Pic drawing as an SVG image

  • ### plainhtml A barest-possible representation of an HTML5 document, composed only of semantic and structured markup. This output is ideal for generating skeleton documents, or for (re-)generating documentation that an existing stylesheet will handle.

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  • alhadis