React-Native plugin for Epson POS printer Model TM-T82 Ethernet (Android Only).
Any questions or bug please raise a issue.
##Still under development
Install via NPM
npm install rn-epson-tm82 --save
or install via Yarn
yarn add rn-epson-tm82 --save
Link the plugin to your RN project
react-native link rn-epson-tm82
Or you may need to link manually
on your android/settings.gradle
include ':rn-epson-tm82'
project(':rn-epson-tm82').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/rn-epson-tm82/android')
on your android/app/build.gradle
implementation project(':rn-epson-tm82')
on your android/app/src/main/java/com/yourpackagename/
Import Section
import com.nowarzz.rnepson.RNReactNativeEpsonTm82Package;
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
,new RNReactNativeEpsonTm82Package()
Refers to your JS files
import TM from 'rn-epson-tm82';
- initialize ==> To initialize printer configuration
await TM.initialize();
*writeText ==> Add text to printer buffer //TODO: add parameter to customize text
const option = {
bold: true,
await TM.writeText("My Label Here",option);
true or false
range of 1 to 8. Max 8. Standard usage is between 1 to 2.
*printColumn ==> Split text based on column //TODO: add parameter to customize text
const column = [16,16,16];
await TM.printColumn(column,align,["Align Left","Align Center","Align Right"],{});
*writeQRCode ==> Add QR Code to buffer.
const msg = "QRCODE TEXT";
await TM.writeQRCode(msg);
*writeImage ==> Add image to buffer. Accept only base64 string
const image = "BASE64 encoded string";
await TM.writeImage(image,options);
label width. height will auto calculate based on image ratio
*writeFeed ==> Add feed to paper
await TM.writeFeed(1);
*writeCut ==> Cut paper
await TM.writeCut();
*startPrint ==> Start printing from the feed to target IP address
await TM.startPrint(ipAddress);
IP Address on String "" format. Example: ""
*Initialize ==> Initialize Discovery searching
await TM.initializeDiscovery();
*Start Discovery ==> Start to Discover Printer
await TM.startDiscovery();
*Stop Discovery ==> Stop to Discover Printer
await TM.stopDiscovery();
//TODO: add test print script
await TM.initialize();
await TM.writeText("My Restaurant Cafe\n");
await TM.writeText("------------------------------------------------\n");
const column = [4, 26, 9, 9];
const align = [2, 0, 2, 2];
await TM.printColumn(column, align, [`Qty`, "Item Name", "Price", "Amount"], {});
await TM.writeText("------------------------------------------------\n");
await TM.printColumn(column, align, [`1`, "Rice", "$1.0", "$1.0"], {});
await TM.printColumn(column, align, [`2`, "Ice Water", "$1.0", "$2.0"], {});
await TM.printColumn(column, align, [`3`, "Espresso", "$1.0", "$3.0"], {});
await TM.printColumn(column, align, [`4`, "Banana Split", "$1.0", "$4.0"], {});
await TM.printColumn(column, align, [`5`, "Tenderloin Steak", "$1.0", "$5.0"], {});
await TM.printColumn(column, align, [`6`, "Soup of the day", "$1.0", "$6.0"], {});
await TM.writeText("------------------------------------------------\n");
const totalColumn = [30,18];
const totalAlign = [0,2];
await TM.printColumn(totalColumn,totalAlign,["Total","$21.0"],{});
await TM.writeFeed(2);
await TM.writeText("Thank you. Please come back again");
await TM.startPrint();
if you are using Proguard on Release, add this syntax to your android/app/
-keep class** {*;}