React-native wrapper which includes all the major payment solutions in Nepal. This package implements the services in a webview in a Modal.
npm install --save prop-types // if you have not already
npm install --save react-native-webview // if you have not already
npm install rn-all-nepal-payment
yarn add prop-types // if you have not already
yarn add react-native-webview // if you have not already
yarn add rn-all-nepal-payment
import React from 'react';
import { Button, Text, SafeAreaView } from 'react-native';
import { CipsSdk } from 'rn-all-nepal-payment';
const CIPSExample = () => {
const [isVisible, setisVisible] = React.useState(false);
const [response, setResponse] = React.useState('');
const _onPaymentComplete = (response) => {
const CONFIG = {
APPNAME: 'RN Payment Test',
TXNID: '120',
TXNDATE: '02-08-2022',
TXNAMT: '20000',
REFID: 'REF-001',
return (
title={'CIPS test'}
onPress={() => setisVisible(true)}
style={{ width: 100, height: 50, backgroundColor: 'red' }}
{response?.token && <Text>{`ref id: ${response.token}`}</Text>}
currency={'NPR'} // Default currency of choice
appId={CONFIG.APPID} // App id registered with connectips
txnId={CONFIG.TXNID} // Transaction Id registered with connectips while creating token
refId={CONFIG.REFID} // Refrence ID registered with connectips while creating token
token={CONFIG.TOKEN} // Token generated from your private key.
isVisible={isVisible} // Bool to show model
txnAmt={CONFIG.TXNAMT} // Number in paisa
txnDate={CONFIG.TXNDATE} // Date of transaction
appName={CONFIG.APPNAME} // Name of App registered with connectips
remarks={CONFIG.REMARKS} // Remarks for transaction
merchantId={CONFIG.MERCHANTID} // Merchant Id registered with connectips
particulars={CONFIG.PARTICULARS} // Particulars for product
onPaymentComplete={_onPaymentComplete} // Callback from connectips Web Sdk
baseUrl={`https://www.connectips.com/connectipsgw/loginpage`} // Base url provided by connectips
successURL={`https://www.connectips.com/connectipsgw/failedpage`} // Success URL registered with connectips
failureURL={`https://www.connectips.com/connectipsgw/successpage`} // Failure URL registered with connectips
export default CIPSExample;
** For more information about CONNECTIPS integration please use connectips documentation. **
import React from 'react';
import { Button, Text, SafeAreaView } from 'react-native';
import { EsewaSdk } from 'rn-all-nepal-payment';
const EsewaExample = () => {
const [isVisible, setisVisible] = React.useState(false);
const [response, setResponse] = React.useState('');
const _onPaymentComplete = (response) => {
return (
title={'Esewa test'}
onPress={() => setisVisible(true)}
style={{ width: 100, height: 50, backgroundColor: 'red' }}
{response?.token && <Text>{`ref id: ${response.token}`}</Text>}
amt={100} // Amount of product or item or ticket etc
taxAmt={5} // Tax amount on product or item or ticket etc
totalAmt={105} // Total payment amount including tax, service and deliver charge. [i.e tAmt = amt + txAmt + psc + tAmt]
env={'EPAYTEST'} // Merchant code provided by eSewa
testMode={true} // Boolean value for enabling test endpoint and real payment gateway
isVisible={isVisible} // Bool to show modal
onPaymentComplete={_onPaymentComplete} // Callback from connectips Web Sdk
pid={"ee2c3ca1-696b-4cc5-a6be-2c40d929d43"} // A unique ID of product or item or ticket etc
failureURL={`http://merchant.com.np/page/esewa_payment_failed?q=fu`} // Failure URL: a redirect URL of merchant application where customer will be redirected after FAILURE or PENDING transaction
successURL={`http://merchant.com.np/page/esewa_payment_success?q=su`} // Success URL: a redirect URL of merchant application where customer will be redirected after SUCCESSFUL transaction
psc={0} // Product service charge amount
pdc={0} // Product delivery charge amount
export default EsewaExample;
For more information please visit here.
import React from 'react';
import { Button, SafeAreaView } from 'react-native';
import { KhatiSdk } from 'rn-all-nepal-payment';
const KhaltiExample = () => {
const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = React.useState(false);
const _onPaymentComplete = (data) => {
const str = data.nativeEvent.data;
const resp = JSON.parse(str);
// console.log({ resp })
if (resp.event === 'CLOSED') {
// handle closed action
} else if (resp.event === 'SUCCESS') {
// console.log({ data: resp.data })
} else if (resp.event === 'ERROR') {
// console.log({ error: resp.data })
return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
<Button title={'Start Khalti'} onPress={() => setIsVisible(true)} />
amount={100} // Number in paisa
isVisible={isVisible} // Bool to show model
// Array of services needed from Khalti
productName={'Dragon'} // Name of product
productIdentity={'1234567890'} // Unique product identifier at merchant
onPaymentComplete={_onPaymentComplete} // Callback from Khalti Web Sdk
productUrl={'http://gameofthrones.wikia.com/wiki/Dragons'} // Url of product
publicKey={'test_public_key_dc74e0fd57cb46cd93832aee0a390234'} // Test or live public key which identifies the merchant
const styles = {
container: {
flex: 1,
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
export default KhaltiExample;
For more information please visit here.