react dialog component for mobile
var Dialog = ; ReactDOM document); // use dialog
name | description | type | default |
prefixCls | The dialog dom node's prefixCls | String | rmc-dialog |
className | additional className for dialog | String | |
wrapClassName | additional className for dialog wrap | String | |
style | Root style for dialog element.Such as width, height | Object | {} |
zIndex | z-index | Number | |
bodyStyle | body style for dialog body element.Such as height | Object | {} |
maskStyle | style for mask element. | Object | {} |
visible | current dialog's visible status | Boolean | false |
animation | part of dialog animation css class name | String | |
maskAnimation | part of dialog's mask animation css class name | String | |
transitionName | dialog animation css class name | String | |
maskTransitionName | mask animation css class name | String | |
title | Title of the dialog | String | React.Element |
footer | footer of the dialog | React.Element | |
closable | whether show close button | Boolean | true |
mask | whether show mask | Boolean | true |
maskClosable | whether click mask to close | Boolean | true |
onClose | called when click close button or mask | function |
rmc-dialog/lib/Dialog (react-native)
name | description | type | default |
wrapStyle | style for modal wrap | Object | {} |
maskStyle | style for modal mask | Object | {} |
style | style for modal | Object | {} |
animationType | animation type for modal content, can be one of none|fade|slide-up|slide-down |
String | slide-up |
animationDuration | animation duration | number | 300 |
visible | visible state | boolean | false |
animateAppear | whether animation on first show | boolean | false |
onClose | called when close | Function | ()=>void |
onAnimationEnd | called when animation end | Function | (visible:boolean)=>void (animationType !== 'none') |
npm install
npm start
online example: http://react-component.github.io/m-dialog/
npm run rn-init
npm run watch-tsc
react-native start
react-native run-ios
Test Case
npm test
npm run chrome-test
npm run coverage
open coverage/ dir
rmc-dialog is released under the MIT license.