Small library for handling mailchimp subscriptions on the client side in react. This is
not a documented solution within mailchimp however it does still work
You will need to grab the naked post url from the mailchimp embed form code
<Rimp buttonValue=`submit` buttonStyles=`btn` containerStyles=`newsletter__form` completeMessage=`Thanks, we'll send you an email to confirm!` mailChimpUrl="//url.us10.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=user&id=list" />
Configurable options:
buttonValue: 'submit'buttonStyles: 'button'placeholder: 'enter your email address'formWrapper: 'flex flex-justify-between flex-align-center'containerStyles: 'newsletter__form'completeMessage: 'Thanks for subscribing'helpText: 'Please provide a valid email address'labelText: 'Email address:'labelStyles: 'newsletter__form--label'formID: 'newsletter_email__input'showLabel: falseshowError: trueemailAddress: ''mailChimpUrl: null
MIT License