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0.6.4 • Public • Published

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A clear way for handling success and failure in both synchronous and asynchronous operations.


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Creating a Result

import { Result, ok, err } from 'resultage';

type JsonObject = Record<string, unknown>;

const okIfObject = (value: unknown): Result<JsonObject, 'ERR_NOT_AN_OBJECT'> =>
  typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && !Array.isArray(value)
    ? ok(value as JsonObject)
    : err('ERR_NOT_AN_OBJECT');

const okIfInt = (value: unknown): Result<number, 'ERR_NOT_AN_INT'> =>
    ? ok(value as number)
    : err('ERR_NOT_AN_INT');

const okIfString = (value: unknown): Result<string, 'ERR_NOT_A_STRING'> =>
  typeof value === 'string'
    ? ok(value)
    : err('ERR_NOT_A_STRING');

Composing with Do-notation

type Person = {
  name: string;
  age: number;

const okIfPerson = (value: unknown): Result<Person, 'ERR_NOT_A_PERSON'> =>
  Do(function*() {
    const obj = yield* okIfObject(value);
    const name = yield* okIfString(;
    const age = yield* okIfInt(obj.age);

    return { name, age };
  }).mapErr(() => 'ERR_NOT_A_PERSON');

const person: Person = okIfPerson({ name: 'John', age: 42 }).unwrap();

Composing with chain

const okIfPerson =
  (value: unknown) => okIfObject(value).chain(
  (obj)            => okIfString(
  (name)           => okIfInt(obj.age).chain(
  (age)            => ok({ name, age })

or the same with map on the last step:

const okIfPerson =
  (value: unknown) => okIfObject(value).chain(
  (obj)            => okIfString(
  (name)           => okIfInt(obj.age).map(
  (age)            => ({ name, age })

Note: from the performance perspective, using chain is preferable to Do-notation, because chain doesn't create and run generators. However, Do-notation is more readable and easier to use. Additionally, the formatting of the code in this section requires specific linters and formatters configuration.

Collecting Ok-s from a Result Array

const lordOfTheRingsAuthors = collect([
  ok({ id, name: 'J. R. R. Tolkien' }),
  ok({ id, name: 'Christopher Tolkien' }),

const silmarillionAuthors = collect([
  ok({ id, name: 'J. R. R. Tolkien' }),
  err('ERR_PERSON_NOT_FOUND' as const),

// Prints to console:
// [
//   { id, name: 'J. R. R. Tolkien' },
//   { id, name: 'Christopher Tolkien' }
// ]

// Prints to console: ERR_PERSON_NOT_FOUND

Working with Async Results

import { Do, collect, err, ok } from 'resultage';

const getBookWithAuthors = (bookId: string) =>
  Do(async function* () {
    const book = yield* await fetchBook(bookId);
    const authors = yield* await fetchPersons(book.authorIds);

    return {, authors };

const fetchBook = async (id: string) => (
  id === '1' ? ok({ id, title: 'The Lord of the Rings', authorIds: ['1', '2'] }) :
  id === '2' ? ok({ id, title: 'The Silmarillion', authorIds: ['1', '3'] }) :
  err('ERR_BOOK_NOT_FOUND' as const)

const fetchPersons = async (ids: string[]) => collect( => (
    id === '1' ? ok({ id, name: 'J. R. R. Tolkien' }) :
    id === '2' ? ok({ id, name: 'Christopher Tolkien' }) :
    err("ERR_PERSON_NOT_FOUND" as const)

async function run() {
  const LordOfTheRings = await getBookWithAuthors('1');
  // Prints to console book with authors populated

  const Silmarillion = await getBookWithAuthors('2');
  // Prints to console: ERR_PERSON_NOT_FOUND

  const TheHobbit = await getBookWithAuthors('3');
  // Prints to console: ERR_BOOK_NOT_FOUND



[TODO: insert link to documentation]

Result Type

Result<T, E> is a generic type that represents either success or failure, and is an union of Ok<T> and Err<E> types:

type Result<T, E> = Ok<T> | Err<E>;


  • Ok<T> is a type that represents success and wraps the value of type T.
  • Err<E> is a type that represents failure and wraps the error of type E.

Ok<T> Interface

Ok<T> is an interface that extends the ResultInterface<T, never> interface with the following structure.

interface Ok<T> extends ResultInterface<T, never> {
  readonly value: T;
  readonly isOk: true;
  readonly isErr: false;

The property value is accessible only when the type of the correspondent variable or parameter is narrowed from the Result<T, E> to the Ok<T>.

To narrow the type of the variable or parameter to Ok<T>, use either the isOk method or the isErr method on the Result<T, E> instance.

Note: The Ok<T> is an interface, not a class, so it is not possible to create an instance of Ok<T> directly. Use the ok function to create an instance of Ok<T>.

Err<E> Interface

Err<E> is an interface that extends the ResultInterface<never, E> interface with the following structure.

interface Err<E> extends ResultInterface<never, E> {
  readonly error: E;
  readonly isOk: false;
  readonly isErr: true;

The property error is accessible only when the type of the correspondent variable or parameter is narrowed from the Result<T, E> to the Err<E>.

To narrow the type of the variable or parameter to Err<E>, use either the isOk method or the isErr method on the Result<T, E> instance.

Note: The Err<E> is an interface, not a class, so it is not possible to create an instance of Err<E> directly. Use the err function to create an instance of Err<E>.

ResultInterface<T, E> Interface

ResultInterface<T, E> is an interface that defines the common Result methods.

interface ResultInterface<T, E> {
  map<S>(fn: (data: T) => S): Result<S, E>;
  mapErr<F>(fn: (error: E) => F): Result<T, F>;
  chain<S, F>(next: (data: T) => Result<S, F>): Result<S, F | E>;
  chainErr<S, F>(next: (error: E) => Result<S, F>): Result<T | S, F>;
  unwrap(): T;
  unwrapOr<S>(fallback: S): T | S;
  unwrapOrElse<S>(fallback: (error: E) => S): T | S;
  unwrapErr(): E;
  unwrapErrOr<F>(fallback: F): E | F;
  unwrapErrOrElse<F>(fallback: (data: T) => F): E | F;
  unwrapOrThrow(): T;
  unpack(): T | E;
  match<ER, TR>(
    okMatcher: (data: T) => TR,
    errMatcher: (error: E) => ER,
  ): ER | TR;
  tap(fn: (data: T) => void): Result<T, E>;
  tapErr(fn: (error: E) => void): Result<T, E>;
  biMap<S, F>(okFn: (data: T) => S, errFn: (error: E) => F): Result<S, F>;
  biChain<TS, TF, ES, EF>(
    okFn: (data: T) => Result<TS, TF>,
    errFn: (error: E) => Result<ES, EF>,
  ): Result<TS | ES, TF | EF>;
  [Symbol.iterator](): Generator<E, T>;


As mentioned above, Ok<T> and Err<E> are interfaces, not classes, so it is not possible to create an instance of Ok<T> or Err<E> directly. Use the following functions to create an instance of Ok<T> or Err<E>.

Function ok(value)

Creates an instance of OkImpl<T> class (that is not exported from the package).

Function Signature:

const ok: <T>(value: T) => Ok<T>


import { ok } from 'resultage';

const okNumber = ok(42);

Function err(error)

Creates an instance of ErrImpl<E> class (that is not exported from the package).

Function Signature:

const err: <E>(error: E) => Err<E>


import { err } from 'resultage';

const errString = err('Error message');

Properties And Methods of Result<T, E>

Property .isOk: boolean

Returns true if Result is Ok<T>, false otherwise. Narrows the Result<T, E> to Ok<T> in "if"-branches, and to Err<E> in "else"-branches.

Property Definition:

interface Ok<T> { readonly isOk: true }
interface Err<E> { readonly isOk: false } 

Function Signature:

const isOk: <T, E>(result: Result<T, E>) => result is Ok<T>


import { ok } from 'resultage';

const result = ok(42);

if (result.isOk) {
} else {

Example with function:

import { ok, isOk } from 'resultage';

const result = ok(42);

if (isOk(result)) {
} else {

The function isOk(result) is good to be used as a callback in the Array.prototype.filter method or similar.

import { isOk } from 'resultage';

const results = [ok(42), err('Error')];

const isEverythingOk = results.every(isOk);

Property .isErr: boolean

Returns true if Result is Err<E>, false otherwise. Narrows the Result<T, E> to Err<E> in "if"-branches, and to Ok<T> in "else"-branches.

Property Definition:

interface Ok<T> { readonly isErr: false }
interface Err<E> { readonly isErr: true }

Function Signature:

const  isErr: <T, E>(result: Result<T, E>): result is Err<E>


import { err } from 'resultage';

const result = err('Error message');

if (result.isErr) {
} else {

Example with function:

import { err, isErr } from 'resultage';

const result = err('Error message');

if (isErr(result)) {
} else {

The function isErr(result) is good to be used as a callback in the Array.prototype.filter method or similar.

import { isErr } from 'resultage';

const results = [ok(42), err('Error')];

const isSomethingWrong = results.some(isErr);

Ok Property .value: T

Returns the value of Ok<T>. Could be accessed if and only if the Result<T, S> is explicitly narrowed to Ok<T>.

Property Definition:

interface Ok<T> { readonly value: T }


import { ok } from 'resultage';

const result = ok(42);

console.log(result.value); // Prints to console: 42

Example with narrowing:

import { ok, err } from 'resultage';

const okIfOdd = (value: number) =>
  value % 2 === 1
    ? ok(value)
    : err('Value is not odd');

const result = okIfOdd(43);

//     ^^^^^ - Error: Property 'value' does not exist on type 'Result<number, string>'.

if (result.isOk) {
} else {

Err Property .error: E

Returns the error of Err<E>. Could be accessed if and only if the Result<T, S> is explicitly narrowed to Err<E>.

Property Definition:

interface Err<E> { readonly error: E }


import { err } from 'resultage';

const result = err('Error message');

console.log(result.error); // Prints to console: Error message

Example with narrowing:

import { ok, err } from 'resultage';

const okIfOdd = (value: number) =>
  value % 2 === 1
    ? ok(value)
    : err('Value is not odd');

const result = okIfOdd(42);

//     ^^^^^ - Error: Property 'error' does not exist on type 'Result<number, string>'.

if (result.isErr) {
} else {

Method .map(fn)

Applies fn to the value of Ok<T> and returns the value wrapped in Ok<S>. If Result<T, E> is Err<E> returns itself without applying fn.

Method Signature:

interface ResultInterface<T, E> {
  map<S>(fn: (data: T) => S): Result<S, E>

Curried Function Signature:

const map:
  <T, S>(fn: (data: T) => S) =>
  <E>(result: Result<T, E>) => Result<S, E>


import { ok } from 'resultage';

const result = ok(42);

const mappedResult = => value * 2);

console.log(mappedResult.value); // Prints to console: 84

Method .mapErr(fn)

Applies fn to the value of Err<E> and returns the value wrapped in Err<F>. If Result<T, E> is Ok<T> returns itself without applying fn.

Method Signature:

interface ResultInterface<T, E> {
  mapErr<F>(fn: (error: E) => F): Result<T, F>

Curried Function Signature:

const mapErr:
  <E, F>(fn: (error: E) => F) =>
  <T>(result: Result<T, E>) => Result<T, F>


import { err } from 'resultage';

const result = err('Error message');

const mappedResult = result.mapErr(error => new Error(error));

Method .chain(next)

Applies next to the value of Ok<T> and returns the result of next. If the Result<T, E> is Err<E>, returns itself without applying next.

The next function must return a Result<S, F>.

Method Signature:

interface ResultInterface<T, E> {
  chain<S, F>(next: (data: T) => Result<S, F>): Result<S, E | F>

Curried Function Signature:

const chain:
  <T, S, F>(next: (data: T) => Result<S, F>) =>
  <E>(result: Result<T, E>) => Result<S, E | F>


import { ok } from 'resultage';

const result = ok(42);

const chainedResult = result.chain(value => ok(value * 2));

The chain method is a main method to compose (...) => Result<T, E> functions.

Method .chainErr(next)

Applies next to the value of Err<E> and returns the result of next. If the Result<T, E> is Ok<T>, returns itself without applying next.

The next function must return a Result<S, F>.

Method Signature:

interface ResultInterface<T, E> {
  chainErr<S, F>(next: (error: E) => Result<S, F>): Result<T | S, F>

Curried Function Signature:

const chainErr:
  <S, E, F>(next: (error: E) => Result<S, F>) =>
  <T>(result: Result<T, E>) => Result<T | S, F>


import { err } from 'resultage';

const result = err('Error message');

const chainedResult = result.chainErr(error => err(new Error(error)));

The chainErr is a convenient method to recover from an error.

import { err, ok } from 'resultage';

const okIfOdd = (value: number) =>
  value % 2 === 1
    ? ok(value)
    : err('Value is not odd');

const getOdd = (value: number): number =>
    .chainErr(() => ok(value + 1))

console.log(getOdd(1)); // 1

Method .unwrap()

Returns the value of Ok<T>. If the Result<T, E> is Err<E> throws a TypeError where cause is the result.

Method Signature:

interface ResultInterface<T, E> {
  unwrap(): T

Function Signature:

const unwrap: <T>(result: Result<T, unknown>) => T


import { ok } from 'resultage';

const result = ok(42);

console.log(result.unwrap()); // Prints to console: 42

Example with error:

import { err } from 'resultage';

const result = err('Error message');

// Throws a TypeError with the message: 'Result is not an Ok' and cause equal
// to the result.

Method .unwrapOr(fallback)

Returns the value of Ok<T>. If the Result<T, E> is Err<E> returns fallback.

Method Signature:

interface ResultInterface<T, E> {
  unwrapOr<S>(fallback: S): T | S

Curried Function Signature:

const unwrapOr:
  <T, S>(fallback: S) =>
  (result: Result<T, unknown>) => T | S

Method .unwrapOrThrow()

Returns the value of Ok<T>. If the Result<T, E> is Err<E> throws a value of type E.

unwrapOrThrow doesn't check if E is an instance of Error or not, so it is possible to throw a non-error literal.

Method Signature:

interface ResultInterface<T, E> {
  unwrapOrThrow(): T

Function Signature:

const unwrapOrThrow: <T>(result: Result<T, unknown>) => T

Method .unwrapOrElse

Returns the value of Ok<T>. If the Result<T, E> is Err<E> returns the result of fallbackFn.

Method Signature:

interface ResultInterface<T, E> {
  unwrapOrElse<S>(fallbackFn: (error: E) => S): T | S

Curried Function Signature:

const unwrapOrElse:
  <T, S>(fallbackFn: (error: unknown) => S) =>
  (result: Result<T, unknown>) => T | S

Method .unwrapErr

Returns the value of Err<E>. If the Result<T, E> is Ok<T> throws a TypeError where cause is the Ok<T>.

Method Signature:

interface ResultInterface<T, E> {
  unwrapErr(): E

Function Signature:

const unwrapErr: <E>(result: Result<unknown, E>) => E

Method .unwrapErrOr(fallback)

Returns the value of Err<E>. If the Result<T, E> is Ok<T> returns fallback.

Method Signature:

interface ResultInterface<T, E> {
  unwrapErrOr<F>(fallback: F): E | F

Curried Function Signature:

const unwrapErrOr:
  <F>(fallback: F) =>
  <T, E>(result: Result<T, E>) => E | F

Method .unwrapErrOrElse(fallbackFn)

Returns the value of Err<E>. If the Result<T, E> is Ok<T> returns the result of fallback.

Method Signature:

interface ResultInterface<T, E> {
  unwrapErrOrElse<F>(fallbackFn: (data: T) => F): E | F

Curried Function Signature:

const unwrapErrOrElse:
  <F, T>(fallbackFn: (data: T) => F) =>
  <E>(result: Result<T, E>) => E | F

Method .unpack()

Returns the value of Ok<T> or Err<E>.

Method Signature:

interface ResultInterface<T, E> {
  unpack(): T | E

Function Signature:

const unpack: <T, E>(result: Result<T, E>) => T | E

Method .match(okMatcher, errMatcher)

Applies okMatcher to the value of Ok<T> and returns the result. Applies errMatcher to the value of Err<E> and returns the result.

Method Signature:

interface ResultInterface<T, E> {
  match<S, F>(okMatcher: (data: T) => S, errMatcher: (error: E) => F): S | F

Curried Function Signature:

const match:
  <T, S, E, F>(okMatcher: (data: T) => S, errMatcher: (error: E) => F) =>
  (result: Result<T, E>) => S | F

Method .tap(fn)

Applies fn to the value of Ok<T> and returns the original result. If the Result<T, E> is Err<E> doesn't apply fn.

Method Signature:

interface ResultInterface<T, E> {
  tap(fn: (data: T) => void): Result<T, E>

Curried Function Signature:

const tap:
  <T>(fn: (data: T) => void) =>
  <E>(result: Result<T, E>) => Result<T, E>

Method .tapErr(fn)

Applies fn to the value of Err<E> and returns the original result. If the Result<T, E> is Ok<T> doesn't apply fn.

Method Signature:

interface ResultInterface<T, E> {
  tapErr(fn: (error: E) => void): Result<T, E>

Curried Function Signature:

const tapErr:
  <E>(fn: (error: E) => void) =>
  <T>(result: Result<T, E>) => Result<T, E>

Operating on Multiple Results


Collects Ok<T> values from an array of Result<T, E> and returns a Result<T[], E>.

Function Signature:

const collect:
  <R extends readonly Result<any, any>[]>(results: R) => Result<Collected<R>, ErrTypeOf<R[number]>>

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  • dmitry.scheglov