The official React SDK for Resubscribe.
Mount the component and then trigger the Resubscribe modal with the openWithConsent
method. Replace the placeholders with your own values.
import Resubscribe from 'resubscribe-react-sdk';
export default function Home() {
const onTrigger = () => {
slug: '{organization-slug}',
apiKey: '{api-key}',
aiType: '{ai-type}',
userId: '{uid}',
userEmail: '{optionalEmail}',
colors: {
primary: 'blue',
background: '#eee',
text: '#333',
onClose: (via) => {
return (
<Resubscribe.Component />
You can alternatively use the headless version of the SDK.
import Resubscribe, { ResubscribeOptions } from 'resubscribe-react-sdk';
export default function Home() {
const onOpenConsent = async () => {
slug: '{organization-slug}',
apiKey: '{api-key}',
aiType: '{ai-type}',
userId: '{uid}',
userEmail: '{optionalEmail}',
// Open your own consent modal here 👇
const confirmed = await confirm(...);
if (confirmed) {
onClose: (via: any) => {
console.log('onClose', via);
classNames: {
overlay: styles.overlay,
return (
<Resubscribe.Component />