The official React Native SDK for Resubscribe.
Mount the component and then trigger the Resubscribe modal with the openWithConsent
method. Replace the placeholders with your own values.
import Resubscribe from 'resubscribe-react-native-sdk';
export default function Home() {
const onTrigger = () => {
slug: '{organization-slug}',
apiKey: '{api-key}',
aiType: '{ai-type}',
userId: '{uid}',
userEmail: '{optionalEmail}',
colors: {
primary: 'blue',
background: '#eee',
text: '#333',
onClose: (via) => {
return (
<Resubscribe.Component />
You can alternatively use the headless version of the SDK.
import Resubscribe, { ResubscribeOptions } from 'resubscribe-react-native-sdk';
export default function Home() {
const onOpenConsent = async () => {
slug: '{organization-slug}',
apiKey: '{api-key}',
aiType: '{ai-type}',
userId: '{uid}',
userEmail: '{optionalEmail}',
// Open your own consent modal here 👇
const confirmed = await confirm(...);
if (confirmed) {
onClose: (via: any) => {
console.log('onClose', via);
return (
<Resubscribe.Component />