Restify Mongoose Models
Making Mongoose models in NodeJS RESTful, by making an Express middleware layer to automatically add REST methods to each model in a directory.
To install just use:
npm install resting-mongoose
You can easily use resting-mongoose like so:
// Connecting to Mongoose at server level
var mongoose = require ('mongoose');
// Loading restful module
var resting_mongoose = require('resting-mongoose');
* Using resting_mongoose middleware at /resources URL,
* for all models in models directory
app.use('/resources', resting_mongoose(__dirname + '/models'));
Accessing via HTTP
Now, you can access your RESTful model by going to:
GET http://localhost/resources/ModelName/:_id
// Queries
GET http://localhost/resources/ModelName/?model_param=10
// Greater than query
GET http://localhost/resources/ModelName/?model_param_2>=20
// Less than query
GET http://localhost/resources/ModelName/?model_param3<=14
// Not equals query
GET http://localhost/resources/ModelName/?model_param_4!=hello
// Look ahead query
GET http://localhost/resources/ModelName/?model_param_5*=Look%20Ahead%20Query
// Limit and offset
GET http://localhost/resources/ModelName/?limit=10&offset=3
// Update
PUT http://localhost/resources/ModelName/:_id
// Create
POST http://localhost/resources/ModelName
// Delete
DELETE http://localhost/resources/ModelName