
1.0.3 • Public • Published


Fully Customizable React Table Component

  • Responsive
  • Sortable
  • Pagination

Live Demos


    npm install responsive-sortable-react-table


    import Table from 'responsive-sortable-react-table';
    import 'responsive-sortable-react-table/dist/style.css'

    const App = () => {

      const headers = {
        "id": "ID",
        "name": "Name",
        "email": "Email",
        "major": "Major"

      const content = [
            "id": "112018495",
            "name": "Jaquel",
            "email": "",
            "major": "Comp. Science"
            "id": "111694728",
            "name": "Joe",
            "email": "",
            "major": "Business"
            "id": "114729405",
            "name": "Clara",
            "email": "",
            "major": "Criminal Justice"

      const handleSort = (obj) => {
        content.sort((a, b) => (a[obj.key] > b[obj.key]) ? obj.dir : -1*obj.dir)

      return (
          onSort={(obj) => {handleSort(obj)}}

    export default App;


  • content: Array of Objects | Required
    Array of objects. Table's content array where each object maps field keys to values
  • headers: Object
    Object mapping field keys to strings representing the label that will be displayed on the header of the table
  • className: String
    Class name for the table component. This will be inserted to the table html tag. This is not required as you could just use the class name it comes with by default which is 'responsive-sortable-react-table'
  • breakpoint: Number
    Number in 'px'. Determines breakpoint for the desktop-mobile layout transition of the table
  • onSort: Function
    Function to be called whenever user clicks a header for sorting. This function will be provided an object with the two following fields, 'key' and 'dir'. Please make use of those for your sorting algorithm. 'key' contains the key field the user clicked on while 'dir' contains the direction of the sorting which is either 1 or -1.
  • sortDir: Number 1 | -1
    You can let the Table know which direction of sorting your content originally arrives the Table. Thus, updating sorting icons acordingly
  • sortKey: String
    You can let the Table know on which key is the original sorting based on. Thus, being able to return expected parameters when clicking on a header for sorting
  • paginationClass: String
    Class name applied to pagination container
  • pageSize: Number
    Maximum number of rows per page. This number prop serves as pagination activator, meaning, if it is not provided, there would be no pagination
  • mobilePageSize: Number
    Maximum number of rows per page while on Mobile layout. If not provided, Mobile Layout will share Desktop's page size


Sorting feature gets activated when you provide the sorting function prop (onSort). That function will be called whenever user clicks a header for sorting. This function will be provided an object with the two following fields, 'key' and 'dir'. Please make use of those for your sorting algorithm. 'key' contains a string which represents the key field the user clicked on while 'dir' contains the direction of the sorting which is either 1 or -1.


The easiest way to customize the table is to create another stylesheet to override the default styles.

User can provide custom class names for the table and the pagination container separately. Follow the 'options' sections for specific directions. Note that classNames are not required for customization since both the table and pagination container already have default class names, which are: 'responsive-sortable-react-table' and 'responsive-sortable-react-table-pagination' respectively.

User can further customize the header and body tags by using css tag selectors. For example: assume 'my-table' is the custom class you provided then you could do: '.my-table tbody { }', '.my-table td {}' etc...

Styling Mobile View

The table has a conditional className that only gets applied while in mobile layout. Use '--mobile-view' to style the mobile view of the table

Note that in mobile view each item is enclosed in a tbody tag as oposed to the desktop view where each item is enclosed by a tr tag. Please inspect the html tree for further clarifications

Customizing Specific Cells, Rows or Columns

All cells get applied two classnames by default behavior. Those two are taken from the content and headers props objects user provides to the component:

  • Given the headers prop object (key,value) pairs, each cell will get applied the corresponding key as classname
  • Given the content prop object, the table takes the value of the first (key, value) pair and asssignes it to the cell as className For Example: Following the data from the 'Usage' section, the second cell would have the following classname by default: '112018495 name'

Customizing Sorting and Pagination Icons

  • Color Customization:
  .responsive-sortable-react-table g {
    fill: rgb(255, 255, 255)

  .responsive-sortable-react-table-pagination g {
    fill: rgb(255, 255, 255)
  • Size and Related Properties:
  .responsive-sortable-react-table svg {
    width: 10px;

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  • liomardjmesa