
1.2.5 • Public • Published

ResContract CLI 🚀

The ResContract CLI is a command-line tool for creating, deploying, and managing smart contracts within the ResilientDB ecosystem. It provides a streamlined interface for developers and students to interact with smart contracts efficiently.

Table of Contents

Features ✨

  • Create Smart Contracts: Generate new smart contract templates.
  • Compile Contracts: Compile Solidity contracts to JSON.
  • Deploy Smart Contracts: Deploy contracts to the blockchain.
  • Execute Functions: Interact with and manage deployed contracts.


Before installing and using the ResContract CLI, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:

  • Node.js (version >= 14): Download and install Node.js
  • npm: Comes with Node.js. Ensure it's up-to-date.
  • Solidity Compiler (solc): Required to compile smart contracts.

Installing solc

Linux (Ubuntu/Debian)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ethereum/ethereum
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y solc


brew update
brew upgrade
brew tap ethereum/ethereum
brew install solidity

Installation 🛠️

Install the ResContract CLI globally using npm:

npm install -g rescontract-cli

Configuration ⚙️

Setting the ResDB_Home Variable

Before using the ResContract CLI, you must set the ResDB_Home environment variable or provide the path to your ResilientDB installation in a config.yaml file. The CLI will not prompt you for this path and will exit with an error if it's not set.

Option 1: Set ResDB_Home Environment Variable

Set the ResDB_Home environment variable to point to the directory where ResilientDB is installed.


export ResDB_Home=/path/to/resilientdb

Add the above line to your .bashrc or .zshrc file to make it persistent.

Option 2: Use a config.yaml File

Update the config.yaml file in the same directory where you run the rescontract command or in your home directory.

Example config.yaml:

ResDB_Home: /path/to/resilientdb

Ensure the ResDB_Home path is correct.

Note: The CLI checks for config.yaml in the current directory first, then in your home directory.


After installation, you can use the rescontract command in your terminal.

rescontract <command> [options]


create Command

Initializes a new account using ResilientDB's smart contract tools.


rescontract create --config <path_to_config>
  • --config, -c: Path to the configuration file.


rescontract create --config ~/resilientdb/config/service.config

compile Command

Compiles a Solidity smart contract into a JSON file using solc.


rescontract compile --sol <inputFile.sol> --output <outputFile.json>
  • --sol, -s: Path to the Solidity smart contract file.
  • --output, -o: Name of the resulting JSON file.


rescontract compile --sol contracts/MyToken.sol --output build/MyToken.json

deploy Command

Deploys the smart contract to the blockchain.


rescontract deploy --config <service.config> --contract <contract.json> \
--name <tokenName> --arguments "<parameters>" --owner <address>
  • --config, -c: Client configuration path.
  • --contract, -p: Path to the contract JSON file.
  • --name, -n: Name of the contract.
  • --arguments, -a: Parameters to create the contract object (enclosed in quotes).
  • --owner, -m: Contract owner's address.


rescontract deploy --config ~/resilientdb/config/service.config \
--contract build/MyToken.json --name MyToken \
--arguments "1000000" --owner 0xYourAddress

execute Command

Executes a smart contract function.


rescontract execute --config <service.config> --sender <senderAddress> \
--contract <contractAddress> --function-name <functionName> --arguments "<parameters>"
  • --config, -c: Path to the client configuration file.
  • --sender, -m: Address of the sender executing the function.
  • --contract, -s: Address of the deployed contract.
  • --function-name, -f: Name of the function to execute (include parameter types).
  • --arguments, -a: Arguments to pass to the function (enclosed in quotes).


rescontract execute --config ~/resilientdb/config/service.config \
--sender 0xYourAddress --contract 0xContractAddress \
--function-name "transfer(address,uint256)" \
--arguments "0xRecipientAddress,100"


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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npm i rescontract-cli

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