Redux inspired state management library for rescript-react
# If you use npm:
npm install remporium
# Or if you use Yarn:
yarn add remporium
Add to bsconfig.json
"bs-dependencies": [
When compiling your project make sure to add -with-deps
flag to rescript compiler
rescript build -with-deps
Basic setup
Define your state and actions
type action = Increment | Decrement
type state = {
count: int
let updateFunction = (state, action) => {
switch action {
| Increment => { count: state.count + 1 }
| Decrement => { count: state.count - 1 }
let initialState = {
count: 0
Next create store object and store module
let store = Remporium.makeStore(initialState, updateFunction)
module CounterStore = Remporium.CreateModule({
type action = action
type state = state
Add CounterStore.Provider
component to the root of your react component tree
<CounterStore.Provider store=store>
Remporium provides 2 react hooks to use in your components useDispatch
and useSelector
module Counter = {
let make = () => {
let dispatch = CounterStore.useDispatch()
let count = CounterStore.useSelector(state => state.count)
<button onClick=(_ => dispatch(Increment))>
<button onClick=(_ => dispatch(Decrement))>
Remporium check for changes in state by performing shallow equality check, so make sure that your update function does not mutate state but returns new one
Remporium comes with support for redux-devtools via redux-devtools-extension(
To use redux devtools when creating store use Remporium.makeStoreWithDevTools
function instead of Remporium.makeStore
let store = Remporium.makeStoreWithDevTools(initialState, updateFunction)
function takes optional actionName
parameter. Because you can't serialize rescript variant to string this parameter is used to map actions to string that then are displayed in devtools, without it every action will be named update
let actionName = (action) => {
switch action {
| Increment => "Increment"
| Decrement => "Decrement"
let store = Remporium.makeStoreWithDevTools(initialState, updateFunction, ~actionName)
For more examples check out examples folder