Remixml-forms is a form generator using Remixml.
It runs inside any webbrowser environment (starting at IE11 and up).
var template =
"<label class=\"&_.css;\">&_.description;
<input name=\"&;\" type=\"&_.type;\" /> &_.error;</label>";
var fields = [
[ "foo", "password", "This is the description", "."/function,
{template:template, error:"<span class=\"error\">&_.error;</span>",
css: "Yes the CSS", persist: 0/1/2} ],
[ "foo", "password", "This is the description", "."/function, template2 ],
var form = forms.create("form", {name:"hello"}, fields);
// forms.field(form, fields[0]);
Simple assigment:
<set var="_.variablename">the new value</set>
- The Remixml website uses the smallest and fastest lockandload AMD-loader.