TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.0 • Public • Published

Remark Slug Anchor

Automatically append anchor tags to your header elements.

Your code:

# Hello World

Your page:


This package is ESM only: Node 12+ is needed to use it and it must be imported instead of required.

npm install remark-slug-anchor remark-slug

You can now use this along with remark-slug (must use), you can find an example here of how to use remark-slug - include this package in the same way

You also need to import that css file, if you are using a preprocessor/bundler you can import from the package remark-slug-anchor/dist/anchor.css, if not use the cdn:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

Options / Styling

We had to switch from embedding a svg to inline and due to that limitation styling isn't really possible on the svg itself

To pass in options do this:

import remarkSlugAnchor from 'remark-slug-anchor';
import remarkSlug from 'remark-slug';

const plugins = [
    [remarkSlugAnchor, { /* options */ }]


  • color:
    You can set the color of the anchor (if using built in anchor) with this option

    NOTE: You must use an absolute colour, you are unable to use something like var(--color), anything like rgb, rgba, hex, built ins, etc are supported

  • icon:
    You can pass in your own svg icon, with this option

    Must be a string as it's encoded to be used as an anchor

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npm i remark-slug-anchor

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