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1.2.0 • Public • Published

Redux reconnecting socket

Redux middleware and reducer for creating a websocket connection.


  • Send messages to the server simply by adding sendToServer: true to your actions.
  • Messages received from the server are automatically dispatched as actions.
  • Automatically tries to reconnect when the connection drops.
  • The state.connection.connected boolean is available in your store.
  • Optional: Use promises if you are expecting a response from the server after a certain message.


npm install --save redux-reconnecting-socket


1. Configure it in your middleware

import { applyMiddleware, createStore } from 'redux';
import { reduxReconnectingSocket } from 'redux-reconnecting-socket';
const store = createStore(
        // ... other middleware

2. Configure it in your root reducer (optional)

Only needed if you want to use the state.connection.connected boolean.

import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import {
} from 'redux-reconnecting-socket';
export const rootReducer =  (history) => combineReducers({
    // ... other reducers
    connection: reduxReconnectingSocketReducer,
export const defaultAppState = {
    // ... other reducers
    connection: defaulReduxReconnectingSocketState,

3. Dispatch a socketConnect action in your app component

import { socketConnect } from 'redux-reconnecting-socket';
class App extends React.Component {
    componentDidMount() {
        const { dispatch  } = this.props;

4. Send messages to the server by adding sendToServer: true to your action types

    sendToServer: true,
    type: 'MY_ACTION',
    payload: {
        message: 'Hello server!'

5. Listen to server messages in your own middlewares and reducers

Whenever the server sends a message over the web socket, the message is automatically dispatched as an action.

6. Emulate request/responses by adding promise: true to your action types

const request = dispatch({
    sendToServer: true,
    promise: true,
    type: 'MY_ACTION',
    payload: {
        message: 'Hello server!'
    (actionFromServer) => console.log('Success, received this action from the server', actionFromServer),
    (actionFromServer) => console.log('Received a message with type: \'ERROR\' from the server:', actionFromServer)

Whether the promise will be resolved or rejected depends on the error boolean in the message from the server:

    requestId: 1, // the same request id that was sent to the server
    error: true, // true would cause the promise to be rejected

A numeric requestId will automatically be generated and added in the message to the server. When the server sends a message that includes the same requestId, the request promise will be completed.

Additionally, you have the option to cancel requests:

const request = dispatch({
    sendToServer: true,
    promise: true,
    type: 'MY_ACTION',
    payload: {
        message: 'Hello server!'

Three things will happen when you cancel a request:

  1. The message from the server with this requestId will be ignored. It will not be dispatched.
  2. The request promise will be rejected.
  3. A CANCEL_REQUEST message will be sent to the server:
    type: 'CANCEL_REQUEST',
    requestId: 1

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  • thomas-kuipers