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Redux React Observable

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This is an experiment

Efficient and descriptive Redux React binding.

Why & Benefits

Unlike connect in react-redux, redux-react-observable will update tree leaf component directly, rather than passing down props at each level. This way we can skip middle level components and directly update deeply nested components. Also the selector is kinda descriptive. In the future, we might be able to add data dependency deceleration and fetch data automatically without writing any additional code.


npm i -S redux-react-observable

redux-react-observable requires react and redux (no need of react-redux) to work

npm i -S react react-dom redux
'use strict';
const React = require('react');
const ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
const {createStore} = require('redux')
const {StoreObserverProvider, observe} = require('redux-react-observable');
function counter(state = {count: 0}, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
  case 'INCREMENT':
    return {count: state.count + 1};
  case 'DECREMENT':
    return {count: state.count - 1};
    return state;
const store = createStore(counter);
// Create pure function component
const Counter = (props) => (
// Wrap Counter with higher order component
const HigherOrder = observe(
  function () {
    // This is our store path selector
    return {
      num: ['count']
// If you know react-redux's <Provider>, you know <StoreObserverProvider>
  <StoreObserverProvider store={store}>
setInterval(() => {
  store.dispatch({type: 'INCREMENT'})
}, 100);


<StoreObserverProvider store>

  • store Redux store instance

observe(selector, Component): Component

  • selector: (props: any) => {[key: string]: string[]} Return higher order component. Props passed to higher order component will pass to selector function as first argument. Must return an object. Object keys will become the props' name of wrapped component. Object values must be an array of string or number, a.k.a. key path. Those key paths will be used to get values from the Redux store. The value related to key path will be assigned to props of the wrapped component. New props will be passed to wrapped component only when key path related value has changed by using a deep equal comparison.
  • Component: React.Component A wrapped component

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  • daiweilu