
6.4.1 • Public • Published


Redukt is an utility to build assets and resources.


  • webpack for compiling assets, optimizing images, and concatenating and minifying files.
  • Browsersync for synchronized browser testing.
  • Sass and Less for stylesheets.
  • Use PostCSS Autoprefixer to make CSS work with needed vendor prefixes.
  • Support for modern JavaScript with Babel.
  • Styles linting with stylelint.
  • Scripts linting with ESLint.
  • Minifying styles with cssnano.
  • Minifying scripts with terser.
  • Minifying images with imagemin (JPEG, PNG, GIF, SVG, WebP).
  • Cache busting manifest.
  • Support for jQuery.
  • Support for Workbox to build PWAs.


You can use yarn or npm in the root of the project. If you don't have a package.json created yet, then:

yarn init

In order to install Redukt:

yarn add redukt --dev

For WordPress or Drupal it will be the folder of the theme you are developing. Then create a file named redukt.json in the same folder. See an example below.

Build commands

  • yarn watch — Start Browsersync session (watch mode), compile assets when file changes are made.
  • yarn build — Compile the assets.
  • yarn build -p — Compile and optimize the assets for production. This will generate the manifest.
  • yarn lint — Run ESLint and stylelint.

Config options

Name Type Default Description
entry {string|Object} {[chunk: string]: string|string[]} The entry points for webpack.
path.public {string} / Specifies the public URL of the output directory when referenced in a browser (see output.publicPath config option of webpack).
folder.source {string} source The base folder where the assets are located. {string} target The base folder where the assets will be created.
folder.styles {string} styles The folder where the styles are located (and will be created under the target folder).
folder.scripts {string} scripts The folder where the scripts are located (and will be created under the target folder).
folder.images {string} images The folder where the images are located (and will be created under the target folder).
folder.fonts {string} images The folder where the fonts are located (and will be created under the target folder).
watch.url {string} The local development URL.
watch.proxy {string} http://localhost:3000 The proxy for the local URL.
watch.https {boolean|Object} false Whether to enable HTTPS for local development. It can be a hash with a key and a cert properties to enable with custom certificates.
watch.unsafe {boolean} false Allow to connect to an insecure HTTPS server. {boolean} false Whether to launch the browser when watch mode starts.
watch.delay {number} 250 Reload delay following a file change event.
watch.inject {Array} ['*.php'] Files to watch in watch mode. Changes you make will be injected into the page (HTML).
lint.scripts {boolean} true Whether to lint scripts with ESLint.
lint.styles {boolean} true Whether to lint stylesheets with stylelint. {boolean} false Whether to run linters when in watch mode.
cache.manifest {string} assets.json The name of the generated cache manifest. {string} [name].[hash:12] The filenames that will be generated (see output.filename config option of webpack).
copy {Array} [] Files to copy. These default folders will be included only if they exists and are not empty. See copy-webpack-plugin.
imagemin {Object} {} Custom configuration for imagemin. See lib/imagemin.config.js for current configuration.
jquery.enabled {boolean} false Whether to use jQuery.
jquery.bundle {boolean} false Whether to serve as an external script or bundle with the main entry point for JavaScript
workbox.script {string} The service worker script. If empty Workbox will not be used (see swSrc config option).
workbox.manifest {string} cache.[manifestHash].js The name of the generated precache manifest (see precacheManifestFilename config option).
workbox.cdn {boolean} false Whether to load Workbox from the CDN or create a local copy of the runtime librarie (see importWorkboxFrom config option).
workbox.urls {Object} {} To generate unique versioning information (see templatedUrls config option).


This is the default folder structure:

project/                  # → Root of your Redukt based project
├── node_modules/         # → Node.js packages
├── package.json          # → Node.js dependencies and scripts
├── redukt.json           # → Settings
├── source/               # → Source assets
│   ├── images/           # → Source images
│   ├── scripts/          # → Source scripts
│   ├── styles/           # → Source stylesheets
└── assets/               # → Built assets (generated, do not edit)
    ├── images/           # → Optimized images (generated, do not edit)
    ├── scripts/          # → Optimized scripts (generated, do not edit)
    ├── styles/           # → Optimized stylesheets (generated, do not edit)
    └── assets.json       # → Cache busting manifest (generated, do not edit)

Example config

This redukt.json example config is for a WordPress theme.

    "path": {
        "public": "/wp-content/themes/your-theme"
    "entry": {
        "app": [
    "watch": {
        "proxy": "https://localhost:3000",
        "url": "https://your-local-domain.test",
        "https": {
            "key": "path-to-your/private.key",
            "cert": "path-to-your/public.cert"
        "inject": ["*.php"]
    "jquery": {
        "enabled": true
    "workbox": {
        "script": "scripts/your-service-worker.js",
        "cdn": true,
        "urls": {
            "/site.webmanifest": "./../../../site.webmanifest",
            "/favicon.ico": "./../../../favicon.ico"


When you run yarn watch you will see something like this:

[HTML Injector] Running...
[Browsersync] Proxying: https://your-local-domain.test
[Browsersync] Access URLs:
       Local: https://localhost:3000
          UI: http://localhost:3001
 UI External:
[Browsersync] Watching files...

In this mode:

  • Only the files specified in patterns.copy will be copied to folder.
  • Changes made to scripts in folder.scripts and files in patterns.copy will cause all browsers to do a full-page refresh.
  • Changes made to styles in folder.styles and files in patterns.html will be injected into the page.
  • Source maps will be generated so you can inspect the real source path of styles and scripts in the browser dev tools.
  • The manifest won't be generated.

Build for development

When you run yarn build you will see something like this:

             Asset       Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
  images/icons.svg   5.47 KiB          [emitted]
   images/logo.svg   25.1 KiB          [emitted]
    scripts/app.js   69.4 KiB     app  [emitted]  app
scripts/    100 KiB     app  [emitted]  app
 scripts/jquery.js   86.1 KiB          [emitted]
    styles/app.css   71.9 KiB     app  [emitted]  app
styles/    196 KiB     app  [emitted]  app
Entrypoint app = styles/app.css scripts/app.js styles/ scripts/

In this mode:

  • The resulting assets won't be optimized.
  • Source maps will be generated so you can inspect the real source path of styles and scripts in the browser dev tools.
  • The manifest won't be generated.

Build for production

When you run yarn build -p you will see something like this:

                                            Asset       Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
                                      assets.json  260 bytes          [emitted]
                    images/icons.2dee76cf4f9c.svg    4.2 KiB          [emitted]
                     images/logo.39b1539b522f.svg   24.8 KiB          [emitted]
                      scripts/app.11e725b84dfb.js     26 KiB       0  [emitted]  app
scripts/cache.9c59560e9fdcd02e1a56f6fafbe8d2d5.js   1.65 KiB          [emitted]
                            scripts/jquery.341.js   86.1 KiB          [emitted]
                   scripts/your-service-worker.js   3.62 KiB          [emitted]
                      styles/app.46e006c2057e.css   51.5 KiB       0  [emitted]  app
Entrypoint app = styles/app.46e006c2057e.css scripts/app.11e725b84dfb.js

In this mode:

  • The styles and scripts will be linted, if there are errors the assets won't be generated.
  • The resulting assets will be optimized.
  • Source maps won't be generated.
  • The manifest will be generated.

The contents of the assets.json manifest will be in this example:

  "images/icons.svg": "images/icons.2dee76cf4f9c.svg",
  "images/logo.svg": "images/logo.39b1539b522f.svg",
  "scripts/jquery.js": "scripts/jquery.341.js",
  "styles/app.css": "styles/app.46e006c2057e.css",
  "scripts/app.js": "scripts/app.11e725b84dfb.js"

This way you can get the final filenames of the assets (if the manifest don't exists the filenames won't change).


When use the <url> CSS data type to load an image or font use folder.source as the root:

background: url("/images/background.png");

If the file is a SVG image and its size is less than 8192 bytes it will be inlined as a Data URL encoded as text (UTF-8). Other supported image formats will be inlined if its size is less than 4096 bytes, and will be encoded in base64.

The stylesheets are processed with Autoprefixer to make it work with needed vendor prefixes.


Redukt uses ifdef-loader and defines two variables, DEVELOPMENT and PRODUCTION, which you can use in your scripts to make conditional compilations.

In order to transpile ES6 to ES5, Redukt uses Babel.


You must add jQuery as a dependency in order to use it.

yarn add jquery


Redukt uses the InjectManifest plugin, that creates a precache manifest and inject it in the service worker with importScripts().

You have to create the service worker script and register it.

// Path based on the example from above.
var sw = '/wp-content/themes/your-theme/assets/scripts/your-service-worker.js';

if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
    navigator.serviceWorker.register(sw, {scope: '/'})
    .then(function(register)) {
    .catch(function(error)) {



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  • inerciacreativa