
1.0.24-beta.10 • Public • Published

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Client API

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To tryout some of the possibilities of the library you can use our CLI tool hammer.

About the library

This is a reference implementation of a protocol for end-to-end encryption with the Recheck services platform. It implements data storage, fetching and validation with a set of keypairs that support ethereum and aeterntiy digital signatures.

How it works

The protocol consists of a client - sending device, server, receiving device and identity device (which is supposed to be your mobile phone ). Between those four entities two sets of PKI key pairs are taking part into sending the data across them.

The first set is that of the user. It is being created(or more precisely revealed) with the creation of the user's account/wallet. With it, the user can operate with the service we provide. Moreover, upon uploading, the client is using this set to encrypt the file that is being uploaded on ReCheck servers. By doing this we enforce the good practices of privacy by design and cannot read or in fact know anything about your file.

The browser through which a user is acting with the data is treated like an additional user with its own keypair, thus providing extra layer of interactive authentication while every operation is still under the control of the user with his own keypair.

This way the private key of the user never leaves his/her identity device, yet it manages the authentication in the browser.

The full protocol is illustrated in the diagram below, you can have a better look at each step in here.


Explanation of the nature of the product

Recheck has seen the need to provide tools for reliable and privacy focused data exchange with verifiable evidences on the blockchain. The tools developed by Recheck are achieving this through a platform deployed at and accessed via a client library.

Why cryptography

In the era of Information, everything has a digital representation. Cryptography is the only natural response to protect valuable information. Thus we saw the need to establish an environment with variaty of tools to create a safe path for information to be stored and transferred from A to B. In our blog post about guarding your data integrity in business you can learn even more about the essentiality and importance of cryptography in our days.

Why blockchain

Business digitalization requires several key properties for the data exchange and storage processes. They are privacy, transparency and integrity. With blockchain as a foundation for data securitization we achieve the required transparency and integrity of business data exchange and accompanying transactions.

Our implementation of data access trailing achieves the privacy aspect of these requirements. It allows transaction participants to securely validate the digital trails without the need of any middleware, but directly querying the blockchain.

This approach can be safely applied within both public and private/consortium installation of blockchain networks, such as Ethereum, Aeternity, Hyperledger Fabric, Factom, EOS.

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