pack node-style source files from a json stream into a browser bundle
json input:
bundle script:
var pack = ;processstdin;processstdin;
$ rebrowser-pack < input.json
(function(p,c,e){function r(n){if(!c[n]){c[n]={exports:{}};p[n][0](function(x){return r(p[n][1][x])},c[n],c[n].exports);}return c[n].exports}for(var i=0;i<e.length;i++)r(e[i]);return r})({"a1b5af78":[function(require,module,exports){console.log(require('./foo')(5))},{"./foo":"b8f69fa5"}],"b8f69fa5":[function(require,module,exports){module.exports = function (n) { return n * 111 }},{}]},{},["a1b5af78","b8f69fa5"])
var pack = ;
Return a through stream that takes a stream of json input and produces a stream
of javascript output. This module does not export its internal require()
function but you can prepend 'var require='
to the stream contents to get the
require function. require()
will return undefined
when a module hasn't been
defined to support splitting up modules across several bundles with custom
fallback logic.
If opts.raw
is given, the writable end of the stream will expect objects to be
written to it instead of expecting a stream of json text it will need to parse.
Additionally, rows with a truthy entry
may have an order
field that
determines the numeric index to execute the entries in.
With npm, to get the library do:
npm install rebrowser-pack
and to get the command-line tool do:
npm install -g rebrowser-pack