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Tiny (~700b) react-redux add-on for state management similar to Vuex

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I really love Vuex and find it the most convenient library for managing application state. This repository is a lightweight add-on over react-redux that allows you to create and interact with a store like you do in Vue + Vuex.

Important points

  • It is not 100% Vuex compatible. Please do not open issues related to API mismatch, or the fact that some things are not quite in the places where you expect.
  • In this implementation there are no "actions", since I believe that they should not be in the store :)
  • This library is primarily aimed at components in a functional style, there are no special solutions for class components.

Getting started

Reax-store does not include redux and react-redux, so first you need to install three packages:

npm install redux react-redux reax-store

Then, create a file describing your store:

// src/store/index.js

import { createReaxStore } from "reax-store";

export default createReaxStore({
  state: {
      count: 0
  mutations: {
      incrementCount(state, payload) {
          state.count += payload ?? 1
  getters: {
      getCount: state => state.count

Use react-redux provider to connect Redux store to your app like this:

// main.jsx
// ...
import store from "./store";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";

        <Provider store={store.reduxStore}>

After that you can use Reax in your components like this:

// App.jsx
import store from "./store";

function App() {
  // Please note: unlike Vuex, we must call 
  // the getter function, since in Reax this 
  // is just a wrapper over the react-redux 
  // useSelector hook. 
  const count = store.getters.getCount()
  return (
        <button onClick={() => {
          store.commit('incrementCount', 3)
          count is: {count}

That's it!


As with Vuex, you can use modules. All modules are always namespaced. Accessing getters and mutations is similar to Vuex.

// src/store/index.js

import { createReaxStore } from "reax-store";

const LetterModule = {
  state: {
      text: 'a'
  mutations: {
      addA(state) {
          state.text += 'a'
  getters: {
      getText: state => state.text

export default createReaxStore({
  state: {
      count: 0
  mutations: {
      incrementCount(state, payload) {
          state.count += payload ?? 1
  getters: {
      getCount: state => state.count
  modules: {
// App.jsx
import store from "./store";

function App() {
  const count = store.getters.getCount()
  const letters = store.getters['LetterModule/getText']()
  return (
        <button onClick={() => {
          store.commit('incrementCount', 3)
          count is: {count}

You can register and unregister modules dynamically using the registerModule and unregisterModule methods of the store instance.

// src/store/index.js

import { createReaxStore } from "reax-store";

export const LetterModule = {
  state: {
      text: 'a'
  mutations: {
      addA(state) {
          state.text += 'a'
  getters: {
      getText: state => state.text

export default createReaxStore({
  state: {
      count: 0
  mutations: {
      incrementCount(state, payload) {
          state.count += payload ?? 1
  getters: {
      getCount: state => state.count
// App.jsx
import store, { LetterModule } from "./store";

store.registerModule('LetterModule', LetterModule)

function App() {
  useEffect(() => {
      return () => store.unregisterModule('LetterModule')
  }, [])
  const count = store.getters.getCount()
  const letters = store.getters['LetterModule/getText']()
  return (
        <button onClick={() => {
          store.commit('incrementCount', 3)
          count is: {count}

Accessing the native Redux store

The Redux store is always available in the Reax store using the reduxStore key.


  • [ ] Accessing Global Assets in modules (getters, rootState, rootGetters) for getter functions

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  • lyohaplotinka